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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien

Not that big. Max 10.000 people. Nice overview, 2 stages, but one is in a tent, for smaller bands, most black/death metal, no crashes, as the 2 stages are not (always) simultaniously., reasonable price. (but €3 for a .3l. is a bit too much, but then again, it's apparently a normal price)
It is an airport, we were close to the airport strip. Meaning if heavy rain, your feet are relatively dry, du to the concrete.

The trip with public transportation is a bit hazardous. The nearest railway station is Mühlhausen (Thür), and it's all in 2 hours interval. The shuttle runs every 2 hours. (so do the trains actually, but from more than 2 directions, most Erfurt (Hbf))
Nearest village is Schlottheim, but you need a vehicle to get there, or a shuttle bus.
And if you can't have a reserved spot, you're pretty far from the stage. It is after all an AIRPORT!
And... apart from the tent, there is NO SHADUW! With the heat from the last weeks, a BIG problem for me.
And sometimes the sound is better at the camping, than on the festival area.

But I plan to go there again, be it in 2 years. (no, no 2 festivals after one other! :uff: )


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
And I'm still tired from wacken haha. I'm glad I'm not doing 3 festivals in a row anymore.
2 was a limit. But that is something I willl keep in mind for next year!
One of the reasons I won't be in Schlottheim next year. Nor in Headbangers. Even if it meant a very short trip to Wacken!
This year, bweh, I made a mistake. I didn't 'notice Graspop and Hörnerfest after each other.
And now Metal Mean after PSOA! But thank goodness, Méan is just one day. (and sold out, most likely)