W:O:A Metalmaster
i have no idea what to do tonight...
Me neither. Well I guess I'm just gonna stay at home and watch tv. Basic day.
i have no idea what to do tonight...
Me neither. Well I guess I'm just gonna stay at home and watch tv. Basic day.
yeah i guess. only replace TV with videogames I guess...
I could play something too.. But it's bit boring alone.
well most games these days have online multiplayer, I mean they're not exactly sitting next to you.. but well...
But I don't have internet on my xbox Because it costs
dont have an xbox but from what i've heard you can replicate the online experience by playing the game and having some 12-year old scream in your ear about how much suck
Hahah, maybe. I have xbox 360 and ps3
got a ps3 myself, online stuff is free there. tend to play more PC games these days online though...but with PS4 coming out I've been going through some old PS3 games lately
I don't have a pc that I could play some games on. But I've been planning to buy a computer.
yeah, PC gaming is awesome because of Steam sales and modding.
Not very familiar with those. But some games are a lot better on pc. And when I get my own pc, I can play some games with my mom too.