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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Sounds familiar...but not with my back :o I guess that really has to suck :(
It does. Can't stand too long, walking like half a criple and sitting isn't that confortable either. And I don't feel like being in my bed all day. Besides, if that is such a good solution....?
Dear youtube

Totally over the ads that I can't skip that won't load :uff:

Sincerely, everyone.



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I have recieved an invitation to go to Amsterdam to a manifestation on Sept 21 (in 10 days), but I'm still doubting whether I should go or not. (30€ for a return ticket is a lot of €€€/$$$)

And I have no guarantee that I can make it back later that evening! (which is what I really want!)


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
I have recieved an invitation to go to Amsterdam to a manifestation on Sept 21 (in 10 days), but I'm still doubting whether I should go or not. (30€ for a return ticket is a lot of €€€/$$$)

And I have no guarantee that I can make it back later that evening! (which is what I really want!)

Hard choice. What happens if you don't make it back?