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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
yes but the Netherlands is like 1% of canada.... so if they want a countrywide rail system like us they need lots of people.

You should start by the provinces. They can connect to the other provinces (and territories). Since the provinces have their own power (more than in NL* btw) it shouldn't be that hard. (except in NL* probably which contains islands)

*NL, (Netherlands) Nederland, (Canada) Newfoundland & Labrador


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011

That's what cows do! (at least in Dutch)

they say "boeeeeee" :o

It told me e.g. that Finnish cows say "Muu", whereas Dutch cows say "Boe" and French cows say "Meuh"
(speaking of the latter, Belgian cows don't have linguistic problems with each other, they just understand what they're saying to each other :D)

Yup, muu. :D

Hmm, okay.. :D

This is the most interesting and important discussion I've ever read in this forum! :cool: