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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
What do you mean "just by the number of cases you have"? Sorry. :D
If I'm correct, you have 12 different versions for ONE noum! :eek:

All depending what you're doing "with" it.

I thought German was difficult with their 4 versions.
And yeah I do agree it's hard. Most of the times I hate finnish classes in school because we have all these shitty things that I'll never learn.. :D

Yeah it is. :D Wonder how babies learn that hard languages.. :D

They just copy their mother (and father) :D:D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Yeah but still.. One of the hardest parts of finnish must be that you can bend (I don't know the real word for it sorry :p) a word in many ways. For example word tuoli (= chair). Tuoliin, tuolissa, tuolille, tuolilla etc etc.

There are my cases!
The conjugation of words, just like you just showed me. (not verbs, but nouns)

A chair is a chair, regardless if I'm nearing a chair, in a chair, on a chair, lifting a chair or whatever I can('t) do with it with a chair.


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
There are my cases!
The conjugation of words, just like you just showed me. (not verbs, but nouns)

A chair is a chair, regardless if I'm nearing a chair, in a chair, on a chair, lifting a chair or whatever I can('t) do with it with a chair.

People who invented finnish wanted to make as hard as possible. :p

Yeah every word in Finnish seems to have about 10 meanings..

Yup. Kind of stupid.