the english forum ressurection poem

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W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
let us raise this forum from the dead,
so we can stay away from bed
and I might fight
with metal_knight
so, come back, all ye old english forum people
and let us raise this forum again keople
drink beer and make strange interpretations
of loose cannon's name shun
and lo! behold, the forum will have many posts
that might look like the welsh coast
but probably won't
because that would be strange moant
and calligraphy will have no meaning
and we will laugh with beaming
smiles and insult eachother uselessly
like making jokes about a guy called lee
trains will zoom through our bedrooms
but we won't notice because resurrection looms
but not in the jesus kind of way
cause he is really really gay
I like hotdogs, so do you
so let's post a topic about the loo
or something that's sexy
like little old LEX-y
not that I would know
But I'm guess he looks like Bo
Diddley sitting on giant telescope
this forum still has hope
so post, you cock-sucking, motherfucking sons and daughters of shit-eating whores!
this peom is beginning to bores..


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland's a preview of the sequel...

Mr.Hellraiser, he wanted to have a mention
so here's a great kick in his shin..
dittohead, he wanted one too
so here...i give him a big fucking poo


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
And lo, from the Zombi
an omen of resurrection
Seeping through the forum
Like some ghastly dark infection
And all will be made most ill
By words that don't quite rhyme
and a disregard for meter
mangling poetry with each line
But the undead do not care
and warted swine care less
what means these words we proffer
oh shit I spilled beer on my desk