Originally posted by monochrom
...or the democratic presidential candidates. What are they like - warthog, konstrukt, loose cannon, tell us about the guys who possibly save the world from another four years of Bush.
Personally, from what I've been reading, I'm favouring Wesley Clarke. Most of what he says makes sense. Has he any chance? Or is it gonna be that Dean-dude?
Wow, I'll second what LXE said - most Americans I know couldn't be motivated to give a shit.
Which is part of the problem, of course...
Right now, I'm for whatever candidate has the best chance of dethroning Bush. And that appears to be Dean, because his campaign has the most momentum out of all the Democrats. The problem is that he has pretty much all but said that he is going to raise taxes, which was a key piece of Bush's demagoguery (never mind that Dean is right and we really DO need to raise taxes a bit to dig out of the deficit Bush has built up for us - Americans aren't known to be that forward-thinking). And he's also tainted by the fact that he's from Vermont, a notoriously liberal state (it was the first to allow gay marriages), and that's not going to win him any Republican friends - the crossover votes that a Democrat is going to
need to topple Bush.
Clark is the one I'd like to win. He's the only one who I think has all the right punches to hit Bush where it hurts. He's a real military man, and that'll help him pry some military votes away from Bush. He has come out strong against the "war on terrorism" - not the fact that we went into Iraq, but the way we went about it. He wants to rebuild the relations we had in Europe that Bush ruined. One issue after another, I've yet to hear the man say something I don't agree with.
Though Mugabe's right - the fact that Clark is making the most sense means he probably won't win the nomination (especially since his campaign doesn't quite have as much steam yet as Dean's). In the 2000 election, my favorite candidate was John McCain, because he made the most sense, had the makings of a strong, positive leader, and had the most crossover support from both parties. Rather than pick a proven leader, look at the jackass the Republicans gave us instead.
Oh well, blablabla, there's my opinion.