Stupid shit!

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I put this under stupid shit because it is.

I went to see Overkill in VA last night.I usually stay at my best friend's house(she lives near the place) after the show.I went there 1st & found out that her & her bf are broke & can't go with me(she usually goes & he takes care of their 3 yr old daughter).He borrowed money from a friend.I drove him & his friend to the ATM to take the money out for the show.Those 2 were fighting on his 2-way cell.I argued with her on a another cell.I got 3 text on how our friendship is over (we've been friends for 20 years).The boyfriend has been to maybe 6 shows in the past 6 years to where she goes to 2 or 3 shows a month.The last text I got is that my stuff is on the porch.We went to the show.Had a great time(he even patched things up with a rival for his gf).I dropped him off at their place & went straight home(about an hour drive plus the drive from the club).I love them both like family & I'm caught between this shit.

Bottom line,she's threw a tantrum because she couldn't go & he did.What can I do?I don't wanna see a 20 yr friendship go out the window.

Damn man!

Explain it once both of you are at ease, or at least calmer than now.
Otherwise I don't know.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
Sarah Palin got pranked called on a morning radio show in Montreal(not a fake one.The REAL Palin).They had her convinced that she was speaking to the French President.It was worth listening to.It's up on You Tube.Type in Sarah Palin Prank Call in the search.If you listen real close at the end,she says ,"For Christsakes" when they revealed themselves.

The scary part is how easy they got through the security filters.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Sarah Palin got pranked called on a morning radio show in Montreal(not a fake one.The REAL Palin).They had her convinced that she was speaking to the French President.It was worth listening to.It's up on You Tube.Type in Sarah Palin Prank Call in the search.If you listen real close at the end,she says ,"For Christsakes" when they revealed themselves.

The scary part is how easy they got through the security filters.




W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
another one...
yea, it might be the most stupid style out there, but what are you trying to do? it's their right to look silly :rolleyes:
I have a better idea, put your efforts toward something useful...


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
I put this under this thread.

I heard today that Beyonce' is in the running to be Wonder Woman in the upcoming movie.

How many levels of wrong is that?

I'm a comic book nerd & a purist.I stayed away from the 1st Fantastic Four film because it didn't follow the comic.

I still read comics & Wonder Woman is 1 of them.For the record,she's brunette,blue eyes, & big boobs.NOT BLACK(& I don't mean to be racial)!I haven't been to the DC Comics forum(the fanboys are enraged from what I take it) yet.

My pick?
Jessica Biel from the 3rd Blade film.