Soulfly at Wacken? WTF?!?!?!?!

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Sam Przyborowski

W:O:A Metalhead
2 Apr. 2005
Garen schrieb:
God damnit, which metal band has decided to let him be the live drummer in order to sell merchandise to teenagers this time? I guess it wasn't too bad when he was drumming in satyricon here, I had a good time knocking over the little teenyboppers and "accidently" stomping on them :D .

On tour with Ministry, certainly State-side. I've seen nothing to suggest hes not doing the European dates. To be fair hes a decent drummer.
Sam Przyborowski schrieb:
On tour with Ministry, certainly State-side. I've seen nothing to suggest hes not doing the European dates. To be fair hes a decent drummer.

Ya, he actually pulled off all the Satyricon material pretty well here, which just made me wonder why he's wasting his time being drowned out by the masked monkeys banging on garbage cans. The guitarist from Rigor Mortis is also playing in Ministry, so I'll probably check them out if no one better is on at the same time, even though the only album I really know is Pslam 9.


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Garen schrieb:
Ya, I actually ran into Pasha again at the Heathen Crusade fest in Minnesota, we've been keepin' in touch a bit, planning to meet up in Wacken again, possilby Party-San as well, assuming he makes it.

Good one Garen. Im also going this year as well. We should also meet up nad have them beers we never had last year!
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:
Good one Garen. Im also going this year as well. We should also meet up nad have them beers we never had last year!

For sure! I may also be in Leeds sometime during the last week of June, my cousin lives there, it'd be cool to have a fellow metaller along on one of our drinkin' sessions, if you're around. I'll send my international cell # to you in a PM sometime before I cross the Atlantic.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Northern Death schrieb:
That's exactly what I think. It looks like I won't travel to Wacken this year so they can invite whoever they want, just no good bands cuz it'd be quite annoying to miss them!

Actually I quite like parts of the line-up - Emperor, Carnivore, Ministry sounds great to me.