Daimon Ion
W:O:A Metalmaster
Heaven Shall Burn - What War Means
Heksabort - Lucas Wanted to Name This Song 'I Like Booze, So What?' but Mazzu Didn't
Heaven Shall Burn - What War Means
Amon Amarth - Vengeance is my NameHeksabort - Lucas Wanted to Name This Song 'I Like Booze, So What?' but Mazzu Didn't
Vengeance - Take Me To The LimitAmon Amarth - Vengeance is my Name
Sanctuary - Maximum AuthorityWhourkr - Maximum Speed Limit Monotone Snare Audition
Thy Art Is Murder - Vile CreationAbnormal Inhumane - Creation of Abysmal Authority
Torture Killer - Multiple counts of MURDERThy Art Is Murder - Vile Creation
Kreator - Killer of JesusTorture Killer - Multiple counts of MURDER
Kyyria - JESUS DönerKreator - Killer of Jesus
Kyyria - Death Is Dressed for MeKyyria - JESUS Döner
Vandenberg - DRESSED to killKyyria - Death Is Dressed for Me
Amon Amarth - Live for the KillVandenberg - DRESSED to kill
Paul Stanley - LIVE to winAmon Amarth - Live for the Kill
Blaze Bayley - Will to WinPaul Stanley - LIVE to win