Depressive Age - World In VeinsDemonomancer - Corruptor ov Pestilence New Age
Depressive Age - World In VeinsDemonomancer - Corruptor ov Pestilence New Age
Depressive Age - World In Veins
Dying Fetus - Killing on AdrenalineCorpse Molesting Pervert - Vomited Excrements Mixed Up with Vaginal Liquid / The Fear in Your Eyes Is Pure Adrenaline in My Veins
Dying Fetus - Killing on Adrenaline
The Ramones - I wanna be your BOYFRIENDHuman Atrocity - Killing Her Actual Boyfriend, Then Using the Remnants as Wall Decoration
The Ramones - I wanna be your BOYFRIEND
Hollywood Mike Miranda / Teen Cthulhu - You Are Gonna Have to Cut That Mullet If You Wanna Sleep on My Couch
Rainbow - Gates of BABYLONMisfits - Hollywood Babylon
Dio - Rainbow in the DarkRainbow - Gates of BABYLON
Candlemass - DARK reflectionsDio - Rainbow in the Dark
Candlemass - DARK reflections
Trouble - BLACK shapes of doomCandlemass - Black Dwarf
Nirvana - Heart shaped BOXTrouble - Doom Box