Some quesions about Wacken Open Air 07

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W:O:A Metalhead
29 Jan. 2006
Under the sign of the Octagon

Be prepared for chilly weather too - night times at Wacken 2005 were bloody freezing. Take a decent sleeping bag or you might freeze your nuts off.

I've invested in a quality sleeping bag for this year as I'm going to be in a tent this time. (was in a nice warm camper van last time).

Oh, and make sure you collect a full set of small Wacken beer mugs. I only collected 4 at Wacken '05. At the start I didn't realise that (a) you pay a 1 euro deposit on them and (b) they're a collector's item, so I didn't start collecting until too late.

And make sure you get one of those 1 litre monsters as well.

It might be a good idea to take one of those "wetsuit" beer can holders (don't know what you blokes call 'em, but they're called stubby holders here in Australia) so you keep your beers nice & cold - they don't appear to exist in Germany.

2005 was friggin' cold in general :D

My conclusion after 2006 (which, on the contrary, was fairly hot) was: tarp for the tent is a must - especially if you have a cheap-ass "extra lightweight" tent. :D
Sitting up and getting a cold dew shower in your face right after awakening is a funny experience. :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien

Be prepared for chilly weather too - night times at Wacken 2005 were bloody freezing. Take a decent sleeping bag or you might freeze your nuts off.

I've invested in a quality sleeping bag for this year as I'm going to be in a tent this time. (was in a nice warm camper van last time).

Oh, and make sure you collect a full set of small Wacken beer mugs. I only collected 4 at Wacken '05. At the start I didn't realise that (a) you pay a 1 euro deposit on them and (b) they're a collector's item, so I didn't start collecting until too late.

And make sure you get one of those 1 litre monsters as well.

It might be a good idea to take one of those "wetsuit" beer can holders (don't know what you blokes call 'em, but they're called stubby holders here in Australia) so you keep your beers nice & cold - they don't appear to exist in Germany.

Actualy they do. But it's hard to find. They're easier to find in the Netherlands (which isn't far for Americans considering the distances they travel ;) )


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien

2005 was friggin' cold in general :D

My conclusion after 2006 (which, on the contrary, was fairly hot) was: tarp for the tent is a must - especially if you have a cheap-ass "extra lightweight" tent. :D
Sitting up and getting a cold dew shower in your face right after awakening is a funny experience. :D

And for more information about light weight tents in the rain, ask LooseCannon. He can tell all about it!!! :D:D:D:D:D


2 Aug. 2004
Looks like i'm the luckiest guy. I have a cheap-ass lightweight tent. In 2004-05-06 served me well, without any problem. In 2005, my friends used a double-size, and triple-price heavy tent then mine. After we get back to Hungary one of them had to buy a new mobile phone, the others just started to dry :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
I sleep in a car :p

talking about waterproof :p

in 05 we borrowed my brothers tent, which was like a fucking collinder. All of the pillows now have waterstains :p

so in 2006 I slept on the backseat of the car. Keeps a lot of noise out as well. Only problem was unfolding myself in the mornings. :p


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
Sitting up and getting a cold dew shower in your face right after awakening is a funny experience. :D[/COLOR]

Yeah, that and everything touching the insides of your tent getting wet too! After 2005, i'm always going to have back-up waterproof stuff. Haha, I only packed shorts and t-shirts that year.


W:O:A Metalhead
13 Mai 2006
Chester, UK
The first year I went I carted a tent there and back. Last year I just got one from the Wacken shop and dumped it after the festival (along with the old gruds and socks). Was a much nicer journey home!

I managed to keep 2x litre mugs, 4x smaller cups and 1 of the 0.4L pilsner style things from Wacken 04. They still get used now. :D Of course, I could've got my deposit back and bought another steak burger...


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2003
nich mehr Münster :(
Looks like i always get lucky with the cheap, lightweight stuff. I got my first tent for the summer holidays after 4th grade, and it was the cheapest one my parents could find. It served me well for about 13 years until i had to dump it after my summer trip 2005 because everything was rotting away and crumbling to dust ;) But my new one for 27€ (incl. shipping) seems to be even better :D:D:D

Yeah, it's really important to be prepared for cold weather. I still pity those poor guys and gals from Israel that I met in '05.