Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Mosherqueen
2. @Warthog: 12 Pints of Guinness on ONE evening? :eek: :eek: Damn... I didn't even drink so much Guinness in a one-week-holiday in Great Britain... :o :(

it's okay, it's not an experience I recommend. :( I think I'll stick to five or six next time. :D There's this crab place near us that sells $1.50 pints of Guinness on Wednesdays. Mind you, this is INSANELY cheap, because most places here charge $5 or more for a pint of Guinness, and I've never had it cheaper than $2.95 a pint anywhere else.

When it's that cheap, it's very very easy to go a little crazy. :eek:

Of course, we'll be going back! :)

So if you're ever in the DC area and want to get drunk on a tight budget, let me know! :D

(By the way, do you what me some friends of mine say when they are surprised? Some English-speaking guys would say: "oh my goddess! It's amazing!" or something like that; we twisted it into "Oh my Guinness! It's full of beer..." :D :D :D )

Guinness as a deity? I like this idea. :D

there's too many catchy phrases that have "God" in them, like "God help us" and "God forbid". I've been saying "Lemmy help us!" a lot lately. :)
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Originally posted by Warthog
So if you're ever in the DC area and want to get drunk on a tight budget, let me know! :D

Damn, If I had only known that a few years ago... I've been to D.C. in 1997 with an exchange group from my old school... Only a few days, but we had fun... although we were not allowed to drink alcohol... Our teacher was very rigid with that... :(

Originally posted by Warthog
there's too many catchy phrases that have "God" in them, like "God help us" and "God forbid". I've been saying "Lemmy help us!" a lot lately. :)
Sounds great... :D