Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by argon factor
Oh, I might change my mind tomorrow night :D But right now I don't feel like drinking at all . . .

I just bought miself a case of beer :D

You being germa and all, what was the difficult word for a case od 24 cans of beers?



something like that at all?

Happy birthday by the way, allmighty Pablo!
Damn... so much posts in here... :(

I try to comment on all things I remember... :D

1. @Sodomy: It might be an explanation for not being polite when you're Spanish as you do farting and burping contests with your parents... :o :rolleyes: :D

2. @Warthog: 12 Pints of Guinness on ONE evening? :eek: :eek: Damn... I didn't even drink so much Guinness in a one-week-holiday in Great Britain... :o :(
(By the way, do you what me some friends of mine say when they are surprised? Some English-speaking guys would say: "oh my goddess! It's amazing!" or something like that; we twisted it into "Oh my Guinness! It's full of beer..." :D :D :D )

3. @gnoff: ...and if you buy 24 tins of beer; like the good old KARLSQUELL (R.I.P. my old friend :(), then you buy a "Palette"... :D :D :D
There was a time when we used to count and pay in "Palette Karlsquell" instead of DM or €uro... :D :D :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by Mosherqueen
Damn... so much posts in here... :(

I try to comment on all things I remember... :D

3. @gnoff: ...and if you buy 24 tins of beer; like the good old KARLSQUELL (R.I.P. my old friend :(), then you buy a "Palette"... :D :D :D
There was a time when we used to count and pay in "Palette Karlsquell" instead of DM or €uro... :D :D :D

Ok, danke :D

Ich habe gestern ein Palette gekauft :)