Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Not too bad, thanks!

Had a huge beer tasting Saturday, followed by three nice death metal bands at an illegal club

Tursday+Friday is a metal cruise from Sweden to Finland and back, with 3 of my fav bands and one I've never seen and looking forward to.

Finally FINALLY done with the house business, signed it over and dropped the keys Friday, paid off my mortgage, got money in the bank, now loan free for the first time in 6 years.

Got my flights for the next 70k cruise in January

Discussing building a small brewery for one of the best beer bars in the city, and starting up his brewing on my days off.

Lasering my eyes in 2 weeks, hopefully to get rid of my glasses and getting "perfect" vision. At least until I get old enough to need reading glasses.

Less than 5 weeks until my beer and metal vacation in Colorado.

Also my new boss and new project manager are able to get me some inspiration and motivation back at work, yay

So indeed, things are pretty well!

How's you and the family Q?

We're still alive.

Lost my job (again, but this time I forsaw it, it was a time determined contract), my kids started school today (again), all eyes are (almost) perfect (except mine ;)) and I passed an exam for another new job. Had an interview last Thursday, and now we'll wait.

I can't complain. Just having some free time. Tomorrow I'll be on the train again. Diong that what I want.

No, I'm in perfect shape.

Eindhoven Metal Meeting in December... Need no more. :)

Grattis, Pablo! :D