Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust

"What has four legs and goes, "Oom! Oom!"?

A cow walking backwards "

That exact joke was in a book my mom gave me once called "Clean jokes for Teenagers", written by some old Baptist priest from the midwest. The rest of the jokes in the book were just as stupid. Silly Christians can't tell jokes! :D

Happy birthday, by the way! :)
Originally posted by gnoff
Hey, we just came back to Reichertshofen, we're a bit tired :D

It was nice to meet you at HOA!

Happy Birthday Pablo!

I almost fell asleep when we passed by Soltau... The only problem: I've been the driver... ;) :o

So you now go back to Sweden and return for Wacken? Next year you should spent a 4-week-holiday in Germany...
We could start another party in our WG... or we take Pablo to the HOA... If he likes... :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by Mosherqueen
I almost fell asleep when we passed by Soltau... The only problem: I've been the driver... ;) :o

So you now go back to Sweden and return for Wacken? Next year you should spent a 4-week-holiday in Germany...
We could start another party in our WG... or we take Pablo to the HOA... If he likes... :D

I went to BYH, then home to Sweden, then to HOA, and home to Sweden tomorrow, then back for WOA :)

Maybe next year I will stay a bit longer, so I don't go back and forth so much :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
I've just come from a great 4-days festival, in which I've celebrated my b-day with the almighty Slayer, Kreator and Overkill, the noisy Immortal, the awesome Lemmy, and so on.

Looking forward to the celebration in Wacken! :D