Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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Hmmm, what does this word mean? *wants to learn international curses* :D :D Pleeeeeez tell me! ;)

And my opinion in that Believing discussion: I believe in a god. But my god is NOT that one all people blame for the shit mankind has done wrong... :rolleyes:
I've had all that stuff in my life: Baptism, "Erstkommunion", "Firmung", I started in a catholic elementary school... But I think, it teached me how to treat other people and the world around me... at least that's what I make of it... :)

And by the way: I belive in the METAL GOD! :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Mosherqueen
MY Metal god is neither gay nor Mr. H. :D...

ohh ok :D:D:D

so both a rumour?? him being a metal god
and him being gay??


i still think slayer are a fuuucking brillaint band...and kerry king formed yeah...
woooooohoooo i see them tomrw!! :D:D:D:

HAPPPY BIRTHDAY, my luisty friend!! :D:D:D
Originally posted by Rock'n'Roll
It's more or less a disguise...:D:D:D

In Norway we call Santa: Julenissen, so for this month I am Julynissen or Julinissen. But this joke is only funny if you are a Norwegian...:D:D:D

Happy Christmas anyway...:p:D:)

Jokes in other countries are always very evil...
Does anyone know these little jokes on the little papers of teabags?
I don't remember if it was in my USA- or England-students exchange... But my hosting family went like *rofl* and *lol* and I was sitting there without moving, staring into my teacup and saying nothing.
And when they asked if I didin't think that funny, I had to explain that there was no joke at all after the translation into German.... :o
I think we never drank tea again... :D

Or maybe I have too much of the Scandinavian past in my blood from another life...'cause that Julynissen-thing is great... :D :D :D
Originally posted by Mosherqueen
Jokes in other countries are always very evil...
Does anyone know these little jokes on the little papers of teabags?
I don't remember if it was in my USA- or England-students exchange... But my hosting family went like *rofl* and *lol* and I was sitting there without moving, staring into my teacup and saying nothing.
And when they asked if I didin't think that funny, I had to explain that there was no joke at all after the translation into German.... :o
I think we never drank tea again... :D

Or maybe I have too much of the Scandinavian past in my blood from another life...'cause that Julynissen-thing is great... :D :D :D
It's not easy to get the right meaning of things...:p So you can end up with a total different story :D:D:D

Happy Birthday Sodomy


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Anyway, english humour is rather weird. My aunt is married to an english man, and every xmas he sends us stupid xmas cards with stupid jokes such as

"What has four legs and goes, "Oom! Oom!"?

A cow walking backwards "

(that's the last one he sent us)

Sometimes it's not only the translation into your mother tongue what makes a joke not to be funny :rolleyes: