W:O:A Metalhead
yeah thats right if you are true to yourself and love metal then it does not matter what you look like , how old you are or if you have long or short hair
or yeah no hair even
i have loved metal since i first heard of Ozzy and Metallica way back in the 80's and now i still love Ozzy and Metallica (well there early stuff) but i prefer more black and gothic metal now
stay "true" to metal whatever type you are into
all this "true" sh*t about black metal is so lame i love most black metal ...but some of the so called "true black metal" is f**king awfull (in my opinion)

i have loved metal since i first heard of Ozzy and Metallica way back in the 80's and now i still love Ozzy and Metallica (well there early stuff) but i prefer more black and gothic metal now
stay "true" to metal whatever type you are into
all this "true" sh*t about black metal is so lame i love most black metal ...but some of the so called "true black metal" is f**king awfull (in my opinion)