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W:O:A Metalhead
10 Apr. 2002
Trondheim, Norway
Seems like there's too many greasy smelly bad ass MF'ers in here *yuk* I can smell it way over here in Norway...I guess our camp will be for clean people only - HAHA - (ok everthing's relative I've heard, somewhere...)


W:O:A Metalhead
10 Apr. 2002
Trondheim, Norway
A dump? Hehe, well I managed to clean myself at WOA last year...I used the showers which looked just fine to me...I guess you're just to shy to be seen naked among other guys *laughs*
Anyway, you just do whatever you want - it's your life :p
Shower is no heavy metal!!! ;-)

But I had cleaned myselfes last year, too, but not at the showers but at the coldwater-rim outside of the washcamps- i think washing there is more than enough for a fest like wacken.. after some minutes you´ll smell like before and you are as dirty as before.... i just don´t need to pay for the few moments of beeing clean.
by the way - i have the advantage (???) of short hair - you can wash it at the rim, too.

maybe i´ll visit the swimming pool in wacken this year on friday morning - that´ll clean to and i think there is some metal party, too - because there will be some other mheads, too, i think... that could be fun.


W:O:A Metalhead
lol hey guys stop right there :) i am so sick of hearing the old "how can you like metal if you dont have long hair bullsh*t" haha i know you were not saying this but it looked like it could be going that way

i have short hair too and i am just as "metal" as anyone with hair down to there ass! ... but true xpet i do agree having long hair is better for headbanging :)


W:O:A Metalhead
25 Jan. 2002
yeah, that´s just what I said.
I guess you know my opinion about all this "I´m so true" bullshit!