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W:O:A Metalhead
Huldran schrieb:
Um... actually, I expected to see something like this behind your link... now THERE is a challenge. :p

I wouldn't mind going out with either of them frankly...the one to the right seems a bit goofy, and we'd get along fine since I have a bit of a sense of humor myself.

We will all become ugly sooner or later, but there are more important things that last until the day one dies.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Alrek schrieb:
I wouldn't mind going out with either of them frankly...the one to the right seems a bit goofy, and we'd get along fine since I have a bit of a sense of humor myself.

We will all become ugly sooner or later, but there are more important things that last until the day one dies.

I'm growing better-looking and more sexy every day, I'm not worried :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
for fucks sake this is not childporn or exploitation it's a hotornot clone with metal girls. the girls were asked permission. what are you getting so fucking uptight about? and if appreciating the looks of someone of the opposite gender is sexist, then so is the entire heterosexual community.


W:O:A Metalhead
I myself do not find the action itself at fault, rather the ideology behind it. For some, it is easy to confuse an action with the ideas/social phenomena/etc. behind it.

But if it were up to me, I'd enter a picture of myself when I just got up in the morning, write a script to vote 1 million times for it, and have a nice laugh...and frankly, I find it a bit fustrating if I see the a picture of a particularly nice-looking girl, and am unable to ask her out to coffee or anything.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Alrek schrieb:
I myself do not find the action itself at fault, rather the ideology behind it. For some, it is easy to confuse an action with the ideas/social phenomena/etc. behind it.

But if it were up to me, I'd enter a picture of myself when I just got up in the morning, write a script to vote 1 million times for it, and have a nice laugh...and frankly, I find it a bit fustrating if I see the a picture of a particularly nice-looking girl, and am unable to ask her out to coffee or anything.
Fuck man! The chances that you find someone IRL whose pic was taken - no, not by yourself, but on a magazine/internetsite - are 1:0! As is for (almost) everybody!

So what's the fus all about!?