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W:O:A Metalhead
Sodomy&Lust schrieb:
@Alrek: think for yourself. No one here (not even you) believes that your opinions on this topic are like those of MetalCommando, unless you're really retarded or want sex with her

Frankly, I wouldn't want people voting on how I looked in comparison to anyone else, as it's of no consequence and could make things worse on a bad I don't like the idea that much.

I never said my oppinions were like those of MetalCommando to begin with. I only said I was on her side with regards to the issue. So you could well be correct: no one here, myself included, probably believes that. :D


W:O:A Metalhead
8 Juli 2003
Sodomy&Lust schrieb:
I'm starting to think that you're frustrated because of not appearing on that site :rolleyes: . I mean, there are thousands of sexist websites out there, all of them being really much more offensive than this one (well, I don't even find it offensive myself, and I think no one else here does, just you), so I don't really understand why you're so obsessed with this inoffensive site.

@Alrek: think for yourself. No one here (not even you) believes that your opinions on this topic are like those of MetalCommando, unless you're really retarded or want sex with her

yet again your stupidity strikes again... and that is no surprise.
Yes, I have a problem with sexism, and sexism associated with wacken of all things it's something I will take offense of.
sadly, it is not something you can possibly understand, firstly because you are a amle, and second because your comprehending abilities seem to be seriously lacking, which needless to say it is quite unsurprising.

any other idiotic comments you migth want to make- how about you make them to my face next year at wacken? it will bring me great pleasure to shove them down your sexist throat.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
I just despise people who believe themselves to be morally superior.... And violent assholes.

After more than 4 years in this forum I'll do what I'd never done before: use my ignore list.

Ciao, and good luck with your crusade


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Jan. 2006
Under the sign of the Octagon
Sodomy&Lust schrieb:

After more than 4 years in this forum I'll do what I'd never done before: use my ignore list.

You know what, even though I find the WOA forum to be the friendliest of all forums I've been to, here I also have the BIGGEST [over 10 members] ignore list. Paradox, ne? ;)

Lady_Wolf schrieb:
And I would want to win a contest involving my ass, I would pose so my ass would like best
Sometimes I do regret my "addiction" to camo (which looks baggy even in XS size). My ass won't win anything... :(



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Huldran schrieb:
You know what, even though I find the WOA forum to be the friendliest of all forums I've been to, here I also have the BIGGEST [over 10 members] ignore list. Paradox, ne? ;)

Nah, depending on your character. Hopefully I'm not on it :D

Huldran schrieb:
Sometimes I do regret my "addiction" to camo (which looks baggy even in XS size). My ass won't win anything... :(
I wouldn't say that so loud!!! :D:D:D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Huldran schrieb:
Nope ;)

I'm too lazy to look thru the entire "Wackenbilder" thread in the German forum. My camo-clad ass does appear there in someone's album (although from a distance). No shit. :cool:
I had the pleasure of seeing it life (dressed, but that's OK) in Krefeld, remember? (when I was not asleep of course)