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Because I will be in a hotel in Itzahoe + to see what bands play when I can be at the festival + to see how muxh metal market time I have + to plan my weekend in advance etc,
Has anyone read anything in the German forum about why it is so late ?
we are now half way through june and still no running order,festival sitemap or english faq
i may be wrong but i am sure it was online well before this last year
Yes, I think you are right about that. I remember very clearly, that in June 2001 I was already planning when to see what. Maybe the organizers are still negotiating with Manowar, Slayer and Judas Priest
Priest is in Texas for the first week of August. I doubt it will fit in Slayer's schedule either. it's way too late for Manowar to be added.......they need a few months to recover from the fear they felt when Canadians started crowd riding during their lame set. whining wussies!!! can't stand 'em
maybe it'll be Entombed (w/ ballet! haha) or Enslaved/Witchery/Crown
hurry up and sign the contracts with Entombed and Enslaved and get on with posting the order. please.
we wanna be able to complain so that you still have time to reorganize it.