Zodiac Mindwarp. 4/10.
Seemed to have gained too much weight and lost too much energy over the last 20 years. Prime Mover is still a good song, but not good enough, perhaps. Still, rather good, brainless beer rock.
Motörhead. 6/10.
+ Metropolis
- No Orgasmatron
On the whole, a rather unusual setlist, for good and bad.
Mnemic. 2/10.
Occasionally good, mostly when the singer wasn't shouting "Motherfuckers!" or anything else.
Cathedral. 6/10.
Fun to watch, pleasant to listen to. Good fun.
Mayhem. 6/10.
I think Maniac may have been sober. What a pity.
Mambo Kurt 9/10.
Probably the most fun I've had at a festival. My pants even burst.
Eläkeläiset. 5/10.
They could need some variety, which on the other hand would kill them. Tricky.
Anthrax 8/10
Only stayed for Caught in a Mosh. It was too hot, they were too loud, and I was too old. They sounded brilliant, though.
Knorkator 10/10
Killer band, killer songs, killer show. Such good entertainment. Did they play Ich bin ein ganz besonderes Mann, by the way?
Satyricon-Darkthrone 4-10/10
Satyricon did a great job supporting Nocturno Culto, and Satyr did a great job coming across as a total moron.