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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
New question: what was the most stupid thing you've done when you were drunk? (Sorry Kris :p )


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
What did you do then?

Still thinking of it.

Also had a one night stand once when I was drunk. That was kinda stupid. Ugly guy... but I was pissed at my "boyfriend" cause he didn't pay attention to me but only to another girl

And I've once when I was already really drunk, drunken a whole bottle of vodka straight. I'm sure that was pretty dangerous from the amount of alcohol. woke up in a friends bed with my head in my puke

And of course running around naked hugging random people in MM's place XD Though that wasn't stupid, it was fun :D


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Still thinking of it.

Also had a one night stand once when I was drunk. That was kinda stupid. Ugly guy... but I was pissed at my "boyfriend" cause he didn't pay attention to me but only to another girl

And I've once when I was already really drunk, drunken a whole bottle of vodka straight. I'm sure that was pretty dangerous from the amount of alcohol. woke up in a friends bed with my head in my puke

And of course running around naked hugging random people in MM's place XD Though that wasn't stupid, it was fun :D

Ok, now I remember what the most stupid thing was, but I won't tell here. I can tell you so much, it was reason to me for a breakup, because in my opinion my boyfriend who was sober, should have stopped me.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Still thinking of it.

Also had a one night stand once when I was drunk. That was kinda stupid. Ugly guy... but I was pissed at my "boyfriend" cause he didn't pay attention to me but only to another girl
That's a way of handling it!
And I've once when I was already really drunk, drunken a whole bottle of vodka straight. I'm sure that was pretty dangerous from the amount of alcohol. woke up in a friends bed with my head in my puke
And of course running around naked hugging random people in MM's place XD Though that wasn't stupid, it was fun :D

I'd have loved to see that! :D


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
That's a way of handling it!

Well, it's the guy I had an affair with. Since he had sex with his official girlfriend too regardless what I thought of it (still telling me he'd love me more :rolleyes:) I felt like I had to prove myself I could do that too (having sex with other people but him). I started feeling like I was stupid for being faithful while I knew he was having someone else next to me


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Well, it's the guy I had an affair with. Since he had sex with his official girlfriend too regardless what I thought of it (still telling me he'd love me more :rolleyes:) I felt like I had to prove myself I could do that too (having sex with other people but him). I started feeling like I was stupid for being faithful while I knew he was having someone else next to me

Well, if it did help you (at that time), why not!


W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Juli 2008
I telled some people what I think of them in a very rough way and most of them couldn't cope with it.
But otherwise it was not really the worst idea- now I know what idiots I mistoke for my friends.