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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
I want my ashes to be spread in the woods where I used to play when I was still a kid.

And if I die now, I want the next 4 songs

Equilibrium - Wald der Freiheit
Equilibrium - Unter der Eiche
Kutschurft - Maak me gek met je doorligplek
Rompeprop - Coughin' Coffin


Last 2 just to fuck people even from death


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Ok, next question. When have you've been the most in love (I'm talking of the belly feeling here, not of established relationships or something) and with whom?

To me it was probably my second "boyfriend" whom I had an affair with when I was 16 or 17. I thought after that relationship disappointed me really badly, I could never feel that way again...

Had a huge crush on that 35 year old guy I was with for some time

And of course Ernesto... don't think explanations are necessary