Q & A about Wacken Open Air

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W:O:A Metalhead
my whole order history is gone except this years order.

Even worse for me, I didn't create an account when I bought the ticket(the timeout issues was crazy and I didn't want to lose the tickets). So I don't know if it's proccessed or not. The only thing I received is the Metaltix confirmation Order and my credit card has been charged. But according to their e-mail, they could cancel the purchased in case where they sold to many tickets.

I'm not that stressed yet.. I will give them a couple more days.. Dealing with 30k+ transaction in a short period of time is not easy :p


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland

"Dear metalheads,

As you probably might imagine the colossal ticket rush (which led to the earliest Wacken Sold Out ever) has caught us off guard.

The Metaltix team is currently totally busy with processing your orders of 75000 tickets. Meanwhile there are 10 colleagues busy with handling the flood of e-mails and phone calls. Sadly these working forces are currently missing in our shipping department. Due to this reason we want to ask you to please avoid any unnecessary mails and phone calls if not really required. A lot of your answers can already be found in our FAQ regarding the ticket personalization. Order numbers required for money transfers can be found in your customer accounts at metaltix.com

Certainly a lot of you are wondering when the shipping of X-MAS PACKAGES and regular 3-DAY-ALL-IN-TICKTES will start. The shipment of tickets (in case of you have already paid your tickets) will begin approximately at August 19th 2013. So please also avoid any questions via mail and phone if your tickets have not arrived on August 21st. The shipment of 75.000 tickets can´t be easily executed within a few days.

In case of you didn´t yet received an order confirmation via mail, it might be possible that your e-mail client blocks our mails or forwards them directly to the spam folder. (please check spam folder and/or Metaltix customer account!!!). In this case please use the order number in your customer account as reference for your money transfer.

All required bank data can be found HERE

All questions regarding the ticket exchange and the new personalization can be found, as mentioned before in our FAQ

At this point we want to ask you again to please avoid any mails regarding these topics at the moment. This will also ensure that Metaltix can keep on processing all orders in time.

Thanks for your understanding "


6 Aug. 2013
I received the email with tracking number. Right now my order is in Frankfurt, and I already got the Japan Post tracking number. Now just wait my X-mas present.