Q & A about Wacken Open Air

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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
The question mark (?; also known as an interrogation point, interrogation mark, question point, query, or eroteme),[1] is a punctuation mark that replaces the full stop (period) at the end of an interrogative sentence in English and many other languages. The question mark is not used for indirect questions. The question mark character is also often used in place of missing or unknown data.

Anything else u wanna know ?

Win :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Before anyone asks:
The PERSONALISATION 2013 is done by yourself.

The HOLDER of the ticket must write his/her name on the ticket. Regardless of the BUYER! (e.g. I buy a ticket for AP, AP has to write his name on it)

The HOLDER can be asked a VALID ID while getting his/her wristband. Valid IDs are: passports of any country, European (national) ID cards. For all other nationalities, a NATIONAL ID is NOT valid in Europe! (passport is of course)
It's not sure they will ask for it, but they can!

Personalisation 2014.
While buying your ticket the usual way, you now have to give FULL NAMES (first and last name) to Metaltix of EVERYBODY for whom you're buying for! The names have to correspond with the name as written in your PASSPORT! (so if everyone calls you Jim, but your official name is James, you'll have to use James)
Those names will be printed on the ticket itself! You cannot change it manually.
Should you want to sell to a friend, a fee of 15€ will be demanded for the rename of the ticket. (with a copy of so called valid ID)
X-Mas tickets are limited to 2, normal tickets limited to 5 per person! (not per order)
About the ticket exchange, more will follow in due time. One is working on it as we speak.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

David VTZ

18 Juli 2013
Lier , Antwerp
Just a question.... The people that drive to Wacken by car and arrive on Thuesday... Where do you all spend the night? I'm sure not everyone will drive to Wacken right away on camp on the "special" camping and spend another 15€ a head right? Any wildcampers out there? ;)


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Just a question.... The people that drive to Wacken by car and arrive on Thuesday... Where do you all spend the night? I'm sure not everyone will drive to Wacken right away on camp on the "special" camping and spend another 15€ a head right? Any wildcampers out there? ;)

Wild camping isn't allowed, and the last time I went there on monday the "special camping" was actually the normal camping. but that was 2011, so things could have changed now.
But I think they just try to demotivate people from coming that early.

David VTZ

18 Juli 2013
Lier , Antwerp
Wild camping isn't allowed, and the last time I went there on monday the "special camping" was actually the normal camping. but that was 2011, so things could have changed now.
But I think they just try to demotivate people from coming that early.
Ok i see... Well, the thing is i will be sleeping at the presscamping wich also opens on wednesday. Would be stupid to set up camp and move the day after. Hmmm maybe we'll find a nice spot at the sea for a night... i saw its not that much of a habitated area :)


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Ok i see... Well, the thing is i will be sleeping at the presscamping wich also opens on wednesday. Would be stupid to set up camp and move the day after. Hmmm maybe we'll find a nice spot at the sea for a night... i saw its not that much of a habitated area :)

yeah it's not like the benelux :p
not much people, but there are some capings around I guess. or just go to one of the rest point along the highway.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
There's actually some news on it:

"Dear metalheads,

after the rapid sold out yesterday we have received a lot of mails with questions. Be sure that our colleagues at Metaltix work as hard as they can to process your orders. "

To relieve them a bit we will answer the 3 most asked questions in this news entry:

1. Where is my order confirmation? I still have not received anything in my inbox but I want to transfer the money!?

During the pre-sale we noticed that a few e-mail providers (especially Freenet and gmail but also a few others) forwarded our mails directly into the spam folder or didn´t received them at all. In this case we are asking you to check your spam folder or (if there isn´t any mail from us at all) check your Metaltix customer account and use the order number you´ll find there as reference.

The necessary bank data can be found HERE

2. I wasn´t able to get any tickets and the ticket exchange is not there anymore - where is it?

As announced a few times before the old ticket exchange at the W:O:A forums was deactivated and will not be launched again. The new ticket exchange (which will be completely anonymized) will be online as soon as possible. We will inform you about the launch in time.

All general info about the ticket exchange and how to handle it can be found in our FAQ - see ticket exchange

3. What about changing names on the tickets ( in case of I cannot visit the upcoming W:O:A anymore)?

Also this option will be available together with the new ticket exchange. Detailed instructions and info about changing names can also be found in our FAQ.

In general you can find all info with questions and answers regarding the new tickets, ticket personalization, ticket insurance as well as ticket exchange in our detailed FAQ

We want to ask you to please avoid any mails regarding these topics at the moment. This will also ensure that Metaltix can keep on processing all orders in time.

Thanks for your understanding

(this for completion of the said news item)

Editi Piaf zegt: Mer sinn nuescht responsable fiir lausige Traductiounen :D