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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Original geschrieben von Carpathian_Wolf
Yes my defensive means consists of

4 King Panzers
Uzi 9mm
3 F-16 Fighter Jets
1 Apache Helicopter
10 Grenades
Webley Revolver
And Of Course 5 British Naval Destroyers

I think that should be enough to keep him at bay :D

And some Nebelwerfer guns too if we dont have enough :)

Apolgies for some of the mention of king panzers and nebelwerfer..just been playin medal of honour too much

naval detroyers are you insane!??
they'll just sink :p....and theyre full of mugabes's :p

F16 are shit...get an F22 or JSF or Mig29 or 37

UZI are soooooo un-controlable
Heckler und Koch! MP5/10 A2
nice sound...nice shooter :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juni 2002
Original geschrieben von dittohead
you're vegetarian too???
i dont like to eat animals....but its necessary!!!! todauy i had chicken, duck and pig :D

both! :D

erm... nope... i could eat meat all the day...:D ;)

just i thought, its better, u stick your dick into ice cream, than in animals..;) :p

*hiding again*