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W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Hello everyone!!

I am new to this forum so I figured out that the best place to start was here! :D

Age: 31
Sexe: female
Favorite music: Metal. I listen and appreciate a lot of sub-genre, mainly Folk, Power, Trash, Death
Wacken: first time this year after having try to get tickets for years!
[B]Beer: I am not really a Beer type of person. I drink mostly wine...though I find that good music, sunshine and beer form a winning team!
Why I'm on the forum?[/B] To meet other metal heads, to ask the zillion questions I may have about the Wacken Festival and Germany (and Europe):rolleyes:;)


Doc Rock

Master of the Wind einer Dirne
27 Jan. 2011
Hello everyone!!

I am new to this forum so I figured out that the best place to start was here! :D

Age: 31
Sexe: female
Favorite music: Metal. I listen and appreciate a lot of sub-genre, mainly Folk, Power, Trash, Death
Wacken: first time this year after having try to get tickets for years!
[B]Beer: I am not really a Beer type of person. I drink mostly wine...though I find that good music, sunshine and beer form a winning team!
Why I'm on the forum?[/B] To meet other metal heads, to ask the zillion questions I may have about the Wacken Festival and Germany (and Europe):rolleyes:;)

Welcome again!

I hope you prefer thrash metal over trash metal... ;)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hello everyone!!

I am new to this forum so I figured out that the best place to start was here! :D

Age: 31
Sexe: female
Favorite music: Metal. I listen and appreciate a lot of sub-genre, mainly Folk, Power, Trash, Death
Wacken: first time this year after having try to get tickets for years!
[B]Beer: I am not really a Beer type of person. I drink mostly wine...though I find that good music, sunshine and beer form a winning team!
Why I'm on the forum?[/B] To meet other metal heads, to ask the zillion questions I may have about the Wacken Festival and Germany (and Europe):rolleyes:;)

Une nouvelle personne de Québec !
Another new person from Quebec!
Welcome to the forum that makes crazy! :ugly:
Bienvenue au forum qui fait (des) fou(s). :ugly:

(Comme ça je suis sûr que c'est fait dans les 2 langues. / This way, I'm sure it's done in the 2 languages)

O yeah, before I forget, take a look over here! That's where our action is!

Ah oui, avant que je n'oublie, regarde ici ! C'est là, où se trouve toute notre action !


14 Aug. 2015
Quebec, Canada
Thanks for the link, will definitely check it out...

Oui, je parle français ;) J'essaie l'allemand. Je ne suis pas certaine que ça sera au point avant le Wacken mais je vais essayer!! hahah


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Thanks for the link, will definitely check it out...

Oui, je parle français ;) J'essaie l'allemand. Je ne suis pas certaine que ça sera au point avant le Wacken mais je vais essayer!! hahah

L'allemand est difficile. Les cases et la difference entre masculin, feminin et NEUTRE, que le français ne connaît pas. En plsu, la construction des phrases se fait complétement different qu'en français. Place des verbes etc.
L'apprendre en un an, prèsque infaisable.

Mais pour faire un plaisir aux autres, je continuerai à nouveau en anglais. C'est plus facile pour tout le monde, moi inclus, étant donné que je suis néerlandophone, même quand j'habite en Belgique francophone. ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
Hello everyone!!

I am new to this forum so I figured out that the best place to start was here! :D

Age: 31
Sexe: female
Favorite music: Metal. I listen and appreciate a lot of sub-genre, mainly Folk, Power, Trash, Death
Wacken: first time this year after having try to get tickets for years!
Beer: I am not really a Beer type of person. I drink mostly wine...though I find that good music, sunshine and beer form a winning team!
Why I'm on the forum? To meet other metal heads, to ask the zillion questions I may have about the Wacken Festival and Germany (and Europe):rolleyes:;)


Wow.. I just noticed that you sent me a private message... How could I have missed this post ? And someone that is from my own province.. Shame on me! :uff:

Join the Tub!

Guardian of Silence

W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Dez. 2011
Tom Kyle
Welcome again!

I hope you prefer thrash metal over trash metal... ;)

I for one do really appreciate trash metal :o

Hello everyone!!

I am new to this forum so I figured out that the best place to start was here! :D

Age: 31
Sexe: female
Favorite music: Metal. I listen and appreciate a lot of sub-genre, mainly Folk, Power, Trash, Death
Wacken: first time this year after having try to get tickets for years!
[B]Beer: I am not really a Beer type of person. I drink mostly wine...though I find that good music, sunshine and beer form a winning team!
Why I'm on the forum?[/B] To meet other metal heads, to ask the zillion questions I may have about the Wacken Festival and Germany (and Europe):rolleyes:;)

Hello. Welccome.
26 Okt. 2015
Hell to the O

Greetings to the Wacken Brethren!

It is I a Newbie in flesh that has just joined this unique and superb forum...I heartily cry your mercy for I am a plain Newbie who knows nothing about this magical assemblage so I will beg for your assistance more often than not...

May The Fortune Be With Us to The Long And Weary Adventure of August 2016!Fare you well, gentle ladies and gentlemen....

(Well yeah....Feel free to ask me anyhing you wish...Cheers :p )