New Stratovarius singer confirmed

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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Brat
hmmm I like female vocals (most) but that type of female voice from Stratovarius is just WRONG!!!!

Don't understand why Timo T. doesn't just take over vocals again. He had a good solid rock voice on the first few Strato records.

Though I suspect Hammered's theory may prove correct. After all, Mike Amott finally confessed that that's why Angela's in Arch Enemy. :D

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Originally posted by Warthog
That's okay, we'll agree to disagree. :D Her voice is what I think female metal singers SHOULD sound like. But no one else even attempts that style.

And don't even get me started on those weak "female backing vocals" on some goth-metal efforts that just sound like the same offkey warble...I guess being a band member's girlfriend gets you somewhere. :rolleyes:

As for Angela...yeah, it's pretty obvious if you see Arch Enemy live. I saw them here a year or so ago and her voice sounded all distorted - like someone took a tape of her voice and ssssslllloooowwwweeedddd it down. I know the sound it makes because my old high school theater department used one for this one play we did where we needed to make a 14 year old boy sound like he had a basso profundo voice. :D Cheesy effect, but fun!

Of course, when Angela spoke between songs (to tell us that Arch Enemy was the "goodest" death metal band), her voice was back to normal. Next time I see Arch Enemy, I'm going to look to see if she hits an effect pedal... though they probably have a roadie for that.
*agrees* :D



she didn't really say "goodest", did she? :eek:
how stupid!


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Kate McGee
You're NOT wrong. :D
At least I learnt this in my first year of English at school.

edit: perhaps she didn't have the goodest teacher :p

Ja, vielleicht sie ist nicht die GUTSTE Englischsprecher. :D

I wonder the same thing about some bands and their lyrics...if I was trying to write a song in another language, I'd ask a native speaker to look it over and correct it before finishing it. :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by Warthog
Don't understand why Timo T. doesn't just take over vocals again. He had a good solid rock voice on the first few Strato records.

a while back a bunch of people were coming up with

top 20 rules when forming a Finnish band and the funniest one was

"Get a female vocalist, but if you can't find one, get a guy that looks like one" :D

I think Timo's applying this rule ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Originally posted by Warthog
Ja, vielleicht sie ist nicht die GUTSTE Englischsprecher. :D

I wonder the same thing about some bands and their lyrics...if I was trying to write a song in another language, I'd ask a native speaker to look it over and correct it before finishing it. :rolleyes:
My brother plays in a local melodic metal band, and it's very funny when he tries to make lyrics and asks me for help. The only thing he actually asks me for is "tell me a sentence which rhymes with blablabla in the shadows and which has 10 syllables, no matter if it makes sense or not" :D


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
Website besuchen
For me,it's going to be a wait & see.It'll be interesting to hear the old stuff with a female voice.There were rumors 2 weeks ago that Timo was going to pick a female singer.

I do like some female singers,like Tarja(Nightwish),Kim(Sinergy), Angela(Arch Enemy), & Doro(who I met in 2001).There is a place for them in metal.