need help from native English speakers!

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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
DarthFreak schrieb:
Jup it is. We Hessians are like you Aussies with the English Language, we invent funny names for everything :D

Strongbow goes down very easily... a little bit alike Äppler but much weaker
aha ok

but isn't one high German and the other dialect?

anyway, I brought home a big bottle of it 2 years ago - can't say I liked it that much, but I'm interested in tasting the cider that's sprouting up
I prefer it slightly stronger in taste and fizzy and maybe mildly sweeter - I had some beautiful alcoholic cider in a cafe in Paris last year... mmmm :p

ah Strongbow.. had a Strongbow dry Monday night to celebrate the end of my uni semester then skipped to the train station :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
Brat schrieb:
aha ok

but isn't one high German and the other dialect?

anyway, I brought home a big bottle of it 2 years ago - can't say I liked it that much, but I'm interested in tasting the cider that's sprouting up
I prefer it slightly stronger in taste and fizzy and maybe mildly sweeter - I had some beautiful alcoholic cider in a cafe in Paris last year... mmmm :p

ah Strongbow.. had a Strongbow dry Monday night to celebrate the end of my uni semester then skipped to the train station :D

The best a Strongbow can become is : SNAKEBITE :D Thats the stuff to get wasted on (if there isnt a good german beer around :D) ummm dialects ...

well the official high german name would be "Apfelwein" the dialect names are:

Stöffsche, Äppler, Ebbelwoi, Gödderdrobbe :)

Lots and lots of names :)


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
hey as far as I knew you could only find it in Hessen.

I remember searching for it high and low my first year 2002 and people were looking at me like i was asking if I could sacrifice their first born :D

eventually a woman in a boutique style wine store in Bonn told me I'd only find something like that in Hessen

And here everyone is thinking that apple cider originated in Germany :eek:


W:O:A Metalmaster
Segger schrieb:
sooo how bad am i going to feel the next morning from this Appler?

your intestines will burn and you wish you will never having been born :D

Thats the first time you drink it... as i said like a good chilli , burns twice :D

But as your coming in to Frankfurt first, youll be spared the portaloos in wacken with your first morning after :)

btw where are you staying in ffm ?
thats the local youth hostel. you need a hostel id card, which you can get for bout 15 € and it allows you to stay in hostels all over germany and europe. without it you wont be able to stay in the hostels.
the best thing about this hostel is: its right next to the pub area of town :)

Also we got a good sightseeing Idea for you: The Ebbelwoi-Express is an old fashioned Tram which will take you on a sightseeing trip through frankfurt for bout 5€ including drinks and brezels :)


27 Mai 2005
Edmonton Canada
DarthFreak schrieb:
your intestines will burn and you wish you will never having been born :D

Thats the first time you drink it... as i said like a good chilli , burns twice :D

But as your coming in to Frankfurt first, youll be spared the portaloos in wacken with your first morning after :)

btw where are you staying in ffm ?
thats the local youth hostel. you need a hostel id card, which you can get for bout 15 € and it allows you to stay in hostels all over germany and europe. without it you wont be able to stay in the hostels.
the best thing about this hostel is: its right next to the pub area of town :)

Also we got a good sightseeing Idea for you: The Ebbelwoi-Express is an old fashioned Tram which will take you on a sightseeing trip through frankfurt for bout 5€ including drinks and brezels :)
hahah now i'm not even sure if i want to try appler!! i have no idea where we're staying in frankfurt yet. we're there for the night of the 3rd (july) and we need to find a hostel close to the airport because we fly out to helsinki the next morning, do you know of a hostel close by the airport? this other hostel looks good, we'll probably stay there. i didn't know we had to get a hostel id card..where do they sell them?


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Segger schrieb:
hahah now i'm not even sure if i want to try appler!! i have no idea where we're staying in frankfurt yet. we're there for the night of the 3rd (july) and we need to find a hostel close to the airport because we fly out to helsinki the next morning, do you know of a hostel close by the airport? this other hostel looks good, we'll probably stay there. i didn't know we had to get a hostel id card..where do they sell them?
It's not really nessecary, but it'll give you a fair reduction.

A Hostel ID can be obtained at the national Youth Hostel organization in your own country

For canada:

Hostelling International - Canada
205 Catherine Street, Suite 400
Ontario K2P 1C3

T: (1)(613) 2377884
F: (1)(613) 2377868
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
Quark schrieb:
It's not really nessecary, but it'll give you a fair reduction.

A Hostel ID can be obtained at the national Youth Hostel organization in your own country

For canada:

Hostelling International - Canada
205 Catherine Street, Suite 400
Ontario K2P 1C3

T: (1)(613) 2377884
F: (1)(613) 2377868

In Germany the Card is obligatory ...

Um staying at the airport is damn expensive and the ride into town is only about 3€ and takes bout 25 mins. I#ll try to give you directions and everything.. .hell maybee i have a good day and welcome you at the airport and show you the way .