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nur zum Pöbeln hier
9 Okt. 2012
Glacier sind fast fertig mit ihrem neuen Album und heute anscheinend ulkig aufgelegt :

Only Lead guitars and gang vocals are left to record. Off to mixing and mastering after that. This will be an exclusive pressing only available on 78 RPM vinyl and 8-track. We know you younger kids love outdated formats.


27 Apr. 2007
Chapel of Disease trennen sich von ihrem Bassisten:

Today we have to announce that our friend and bassist C.K. is no longer part of CoD.
Since we were never a band that strived for the big speeches on social media platforms, in this case it really can be put short: sometimes life comes along and changes what‘s happening in itself. There truly isn‘t any drama or bad blood behind this, but much rather our highest hopes and respect for him and for what‘s coming up. And since this strange construct we call a band never was about four people just playing music together, but rather more about four very connected individuals, we will not be searching for a new bass player as of now but treasure what we have achieved together.
The biggest thanks to you for these last 14 years.
-These pillars you‘ll ascend-
C.K. in his own words
To add a few personal thoughts: I have nothing but gratitude for the past years with Chapel Of Disease. I am grateful to every single person who has made this band what it is today, grateful for all the experiences I have had that I could never imagine when we started all this: All the great gigs, among others at my personal favourite festivals. The tours with the coolest people who walk this earth. Sharing the stage with bands whose fans we have been for years. Being voted "Album of the Month" several times by people who have influenced myself with their publications for 30 years.
But most of all, all the anecdotes, experiences and conversations based on friendship over the course of 14 years, so invaluable and beautiful. And no one can take all that away from me.
But now it's time to set off for new shores in the truest sense of the word and look ahead. Friendship will last over the distance, but the music is over for now. And I can only say thank you to all of you once again!
Dig in, see you!

Von deren FB Seite.

Im DFF sagt er selbst, dass es daran liegt, dass er nach Lübeck zieht, und das über die Distanz wohl nicht mehr klappen würde.
Die Band macht aber weiter, und er selbst wird wohl auch anderweitig weiter Musik machen.


W:O:A Metalgod
4 Aug. 2014
Chapel of Disease trennen sich von ihrem Bassisten:

Von deren FB Seite.

Im DFF sagt er selbst, dass es daran liegt, dass er nach Lübeck zieht, und das über die Distanz wohl nicht mehr klappen würde.
Die Band macht aber weiter, und er selbst wird wohl auch anderweitig weiter Musik machen.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 März 2017

Liebe Gossengenossen, Gossengirls, liebe Fans und Freunde der Bande Knasterbart!

Wir müssen Euch heute eine Nachricht mitteilen, die uns nur schwer über die Lebern geht. Nach 10 Jahren Bandgeschichte sind die Geschichten aus der Gosse auserzählt. Darum haben wir uns schweren Herzens dazu entschlossen, das Musikprojekt KNASTERBART aufzulösen.

Wir versichern Euch, dieser Entscheidung liegen keine persönlichen Differenzen geschweige denn Streitigkeiten zu Grunde. Deshalb werden wir dieses Jahr auch noch die ein oder andere Abschaumparty mit Euch abreißen und jeden Moment davon in vollen Zügen genießen - und haben in ein paar Tagen sogar noch ein paar Neuigkeiten dazu! 🍻

Feuchtes Küsschen,
Hotze, Fummelfips, Fidolin, Schramme, Hackepeter, Klappstuhl & Knüppelkalle


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 März 2017
Der Bassist von Steel Shock hat die Band verlassen. Das nenne ich mal ein ehrliches Statement. Gefällt mir. 👍🏻

Hailz Shockers & Steelers,

Today we have some sad news. Our bass player Marcel Aerodyne has decided to leave Steel Shock! We are sad to see him leave, but we also respect his decision and motivation. We go our seperate ways in mutual respect, love and understanding and wish Aerodye all the best in the future!

Here is what Marcel has to say:

"Hailz Shockers & Steelers

For 4,5 years I’ve been a part of Steel Shock with outmost joy and drive. But now this era ends. It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to quit my duties as the bass player for Steel Shock.

The current rules and regulations regarding COVID-19 have been the reason for my decision. As some countries have decided to (temporarily?) put an end to the COVID-restrictions, other countries are still enforcing those laws. Among other things, the obligations to be fully vaccinated and “2G” measures that some handle, sees to a divided community and excludes those that do not cooperate. And I do believe that these laws and regulations will be introduced again in the future and that they will be enforced even more heavily. I do not want to be a part of this. I do not want to be one that contributes to laws and regulation that excludes people. It’s all or nothing for me.

It has been an exciting and eventful 4,5 years, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Together we have faced lots of high and lows, like a family. We have met a lot of new people and have had lots of great shows and cool festival appearances. We have made friends with lots of great bands. During the years we saw many familiar faces return to the shows and always had an amazing audience. We spent many hours together on the tour bus, ate tons of “Frinkandellen-taart” (thanks again, Claudia!), drank gallons of Jack Daniel’s and always had a great time together. Nicole always took care of the merchandise as well and as professional as one could wish for and of course the hospitality and the sleepovers at Lijon and Johanna’s place… Steel Shock is not only a band and I will miss all of this dearly.

I would like to thank Erik, Lijon and Nima for the fantastic time I was able to spend with them. It’s been an amazing adventure and needless to say that I this adventure will continue for them for a long, long time!

Marcel Aerodyne"
  • Sad
Reaktionen: Klausi