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W:O:A Metalhead
14 Dez. 2002
Whens the new EP coming out? I've been listening to Sheralee over and over again, I needs me some more Soldier!

PS. Thanks SWAMPIG :)


14 Dez. 2002
Blackburn UK
7inches of Red Vinyl from Soldier!!!!

Back again I am!!! not been on for ages an ages!
the band have been really busy of late We have finished recording our new album "Sins of the Wrrior"which will be out in the autumn. on Heavy Metal Records (you heard it here first this has not been made public as yet)
We have a new 7 inch red vinyl single out soon on Killer Metal Records its limited to 500 copies more details from killermetalrecords@aol.com
Hellion are to release an album of old material which includes the "Live Forces" Trax this is titled "Heavy Metal Force"
we have a new drummer Alex Smith who is fucking brilliant and seems determined to kill us all!! we have not recorded with him as yet but we are rehearsing with him to gig in September

more info gaz@metalgaz.plus.com

Old School Metal Show
brilliant net radio station www.hardrockin80s.com tune in 10pm Fri nights GMT til midnight lots of bands in the chat room the station is currently looking at releasing a compilation of old NWOBHM bands