My country has gone to shit!

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W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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The latest on Howard Stern.

He is being fined almost a 1/2 a mil because of the content of his show by the FCC & he was fired from Clear Channel(the 6 stations that he was on in their network).He said on his show that the FCC should go after Oprah becuase of a show she did on teen sex(with explict sexual terms).Due to the overwhelming e-mails,calls, & faxes from the Stern listener base,the FCC is now investigating her show.

The transcript of that teen sex show is up on Stern's site.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Originally posted by LooseCannon
The latest on Howard Stern.

He is being fined almost a 1/2 a mil because of the content of his show by the FCC & he was fired from Clear Channel(the 6 stations that he was on in their network).He said on his show that the FCC should go after Oprah becuase of a show she did on teen sex(with explict sexual terms).Due to the overwhelming e-mails,calls, & faxes from the Stern listener base,the FCC is now investigating her show.

The transcript of that teen sex show is up on Stern's site.

This is stupid, and everything what is going on in USA now is just to laugh. Yeah, you cant laugh cause you live in this shit. But those christian assholes will once choke on their hypocrite attitude. You know you can burn people like witches, you can kill them all, but you cant kill idea of freedom, and freedom will, sooner or later win.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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Originally posted by Hammered_gods
This is stupid, and everything what is going on in USA now is just to laugh. Yeah, you cant laugh cause you live in this shit. But those christian assholes will once choke on their hypocrite attitude. You know you can burn people like witches, you can kill them all, but you cant kill idea of freedom, and freedom will, sooner or later win.

Tell that to the idiot in the White House..

They're starting a war on porn.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
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Originally posted by LooseCannon
Tell that to the idiot in the White House..

They're starting a war on porn.

Don't fear - antime your country starts a war (Like on drugs, terrorism or Iraq), you are absolutely sure to loose it. Actually, if you think about drugs or terrorism, your country will be probably be flooded with porn in about a year.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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Originally posted by monochrom
Don't fear - antime your country starts a war (Like on drugs, terrorism or Iraq), you are absolutely sure to loose it. Actually, if you think about drugs or terrorism, your country will be probably be flooded with porn in about a year.

The head lawyer here(John Ashcroft)is the most religous of the Puritans.He doesn't drink,smoke,dance,etc.(sounds like a robot to me).He's the one who's leading the charge against porn of ANY kind(including the show Real Sex on HBO,internet porn sites,Playboy,etc.).

I read an interview with Larry Flynt(head of Hustler magazine).He says they'll probably go after him again.


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
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Originally posted by LooseCannon
The head lawyer here(John Ashcroft)is the most religous of the Puritans.He doesn't drink,smoke,dance,etc.(sounds like a robot to me).He's the one who's leading the charge against porn of ANY kind(including the show Real Sex on HBO,internet porn sites,Playboy,etc.).

I read an interview with Larry Flynt(head of Hustler magazine).He says they'll probably go after him again.

The day John Ashcroft is finally called to his master will be a day to recoice, indeed.

Has anyone in US television recently talked about on how the war could be obscene, not the pornography? Or is that considered laughable nowadays?


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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Originally posted by monochrom
The day John Ashcroft is finally called to his master will be a day to recoice, indeed.

Has anyone in US television recently talked about on how the war could be obscene, not the pornography? Or is that considered laughable nowadays?

Everybody thinks Bush is "wagging the dog" (see the movie "Wag The Dog") to keep the focus off on the failed war in Iraq.


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
The U.S. and Israel have now reached an agreement on what territory to allow the Palestinians.

What's wrong with this picture?

At least the EU has a sober view on the situation:

'Dublin EU presidency “recalled the established position… that the European Union will not recognise any change to the pre-1967 borders other than those arrived at by agreement between the parties”.'
Originally posted by LooseCannon
The head lawyer here(John Ashcroft)is the most religous of the Puritans.He doesn't drink,smoke,dance,etc.(sounds like a robot to me).He's the one who's leading the charge against porn of ANY kind(including the show Real Sex on HBO,internet porn sites,Playboy,etc.).

I read an interview with Larry Flynt(head of Hustler magazine).He says they'll probably go after him again.

He is a good man, finaly someone does what is necessary to do....

I hope he soon will find the grindcore... USA has a big and realy great GC szene and that bullshit has to be stopped!!!!!



9 Feb. 2004
Your country? wait till you see mine mate heh
well at least you are allowed to have gigs or even listen to metal over there, but the shit hole im living in forbids everything related to metal and connects us directly with satanism and more crappy issues lol