My country has gone to shit!

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W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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Howard said on his show today that the FCC Bill has passed both Senate & Congress & Bush will sign it next week(the one where the fines are now up to $500,000).

Stern thinks he'll be yanked off the air in 2 weeks.He'll go to XM if he does.

Like I said earlier, I think this is wrong & it's taking away the freedom of speech (& if the Federal Gov. is monitering this,FUCK YOU.I'll say what I want.Try & stop me).

What would our American forefathers say if they saw how the country they created was being run now.

Try this site for great left wing views.


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Originally posted by mugabe
Try for some conservative, patriotic, truthful views. Apparently it's all Clinton's fault. And Europe's.

And the say:

"just as the Spanish chose to appease al-Qaida by electing Zapatero"

That's what the extreme patriotic spanish bastards say: that we all are weak and cowards. They haven't even considered the option that we've kicked the right-wing party because of their arrogance and media manipulation


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by mugabe
Try for some conservative, patriotic, truthful views. Apparently it's all Clinton's fault. And Europe's.

See, this is why I'm so happy I grew up during the Clinton administration. Even in the years after, American politics has never been so much goddamn fun. :D

Now I'm off to sell some "Charlton Heston is My President, You Damn Dirty Apes" bumper stickers. Anyone want one?


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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There's congressional hearings on 9/11 now because there's a book written by counter-terrorism guy,Richard Clarke(who worked with both the Clinton & Bush Administrations),saying that we knew about the attack on NY & Wash. DC years ahead of time.

If Clinton & Bush knew what was going to happen,why didn't EITHER of them do something to prevent it?

There was alot of finger pointing during the hearing today where Clarke publicly apologized in front of the families of the victims of 9/11(who were in attendance).


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
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Originally posted by LooseCannon
There's congressional hearings on 9/11 now because there's a book written by counter-terrorism guy,Richard Clarke(who worked with both the Clinton & Bush Administrations),saying that we knew about the attack on NY & Wash. DC years ahead of time.

If Clinton & Bush knew what was going to happen,why didn't EITHER of them do something to prevent it?

There was alot of finger pointing during the hearing today where Clarke publicly apologized in front of the families of the victims of 9/11(who were in attendance).

This is just lawyer bullshit, a pathetic way to get money and your face on the media. You can't have "known" about 9/11 - but of course the fucking terrorist structures were there and so there was an abstract danger.

And Clinton did work against Al Quaida - if you count bombing medical facilities in Sudan, where there was supposed to be a factory for (yawn) weapons of mass destruction.

You know one of the reasons your country went to hell some time ago? Because of your legal system, where you waste time, money and intelligence in idiotic hearings.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by monochrom
You know one of the reasons your country went to hell some time ago? Because of your legal system, where you waste time, money and intelligence in idiotic hearings.

And we have hearings because everyone here wants a definitive answer even when it's likely we'll never get one. Never mind the complexity of the whole situation, show us where to point the finger and we'll do so! The equation works like so:

Al-Qaeda presence in America + (undetermined security failure) = 9/11

Now if you're a Democrat, that security failure was a series of bungled attempts by the Bush administration to keep tabs on known terrorist groups with people in the US.

If you're a Republican, the seeds of 9/11 were sown long ago by Clinton, because he stuck a cigar in a chubby intern. No, wait, it was a plot by Evil Stepmother Hillary Clinton to destroy America as we know it. Because she's actually a radical Muslim who sold American weapons secrets to the Chinese. Yeah, that's it.

The problem with this country is that all the smart people want to be lawyers. Work little, show off your brain, flex your ego on a national stage, and get paid big...isn't that the American dream? :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
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Originally posted by Warthog

The problem with this country is that all the smart people want to be lawyers. Work little, show off your brain, flex your ego on a national stage, and get paid big...isn't that the American dream? :D

That last point you got there - I don't know if it's because I'm fucking drunk right now, but still, it sounds like the the main reason for any problem at this time that is not caused by religion.

Well, I'll read it again tomorrow and see what I'll think.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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You know what? Some people from USA thinks that they are center of the whole world. Their egocenterism is pissing off people from other countries. You know what? You must show them that you are better and more mean than they are, you must just step on their neck and force them sing as you want to :D:D:D:D