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Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
"Astra Redlight"! Haha... you see stars and red lights when you drink it too much? :p

I only hope that I can carry a crate of 30 bottles from the town of Wacken back to my tent! This sounds heavy! :eek:

Something like that, yup. :D

Well, 30 bottles is 10 litres is 10 kilograms...and that's the beer only. I've never thought about what a bottle weighs...but I guess it might be 15 kilograms in the end. Start drinking on the way, make a lot of breaks. :D And there's sometimes some kids from the village who offer to bring your beer to the outlines of the camping area with their handcarts for a euro or two.


23 Mai 2008
Suomi - Finland - Perkele
You're right about that ;) This is why I may give up on Canadian camping supplies and go with German ones, after all! We shall see...

Here is the link you're looking for.
"If you don´t want to travel to Wacken with all the equipment you´re able to get the products at the W:O:A Info Office in Wacken."

Hope that helps :)

Yep this helped alot. My teams choises are
1. outsource the carrying and purchasing of the above mentioned to some friends that are coming by car from england;)
2. Buying the above mentioned from the festival area.

The problem is that there is going to be a lot of wacken-model tents (i assume) and if i buy one like that how the hell am i going to find my own tent at the end of the day with much alchohol runing in my veins!? :D

....and about the beer subject on this thread. Just buy vodka. you cant go wrong with good old vodka;)


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Juli 2006
Bristol, UK
Yep this helped alot. My teams choises are
1. outsource the carrying and purchasing of the above mentioned to some friends that are coming by car from england ;)

The problem is that there is going to be a lot of wacken-model tents (i assume) and if i buy one like that how the hell am i going to find my own tent at the end of the day with much alchohol runing in my veins!? :D

....and about the beer subject on this thread. Just buy vodka. you cant go wrong with good old vodka;)

1. Good idea!

2. I ALWAYS forget where I camp on the first night because it all looks different when it's dark and I'm usually totally pissed... and so I end up wandering around trying to ask people how the hell to get to Campsite D (or wherever I am that year) in broken German, but people only every know where their own area is. The big maps that the organisers attach to the fences surrounding the floodlamps at various places in the camping areas are great... except they don't have "YOU ARE HERE ---> " marked on them, so they are totally useless!! How can I find my way back if I don't know where I'm starting from?!

3. I can't stand vodka unless it's with a mixer of somekind. Bier is better, after that I go all girly and start on the white rum ;-)


23 Mai 2008
Suomi - Finland - Perkele
DaveIoC.... Yep plus the first day of drinking for me is the overdrive day. This means that is start too early with the alcohol, with too strong stuff and way too much of it. You compine the above with the fact that our trip start at about 6.00 in the morning (first drinks), continues with the flight (more drinks), continues with "we made it alive from the flight" -drinks. Followed by how do we get to wacen from bremen drinks. And then the booze for the traveling from bremen to wacken area. This means that when we get to the camp ground i will already be a happy-camper (and by this point my memory will not be working anymore). So bets are i will not find my teams camp/tents again once for the first two days the first time i leave our camp... hope it doesnt rain too much :D

But the positive side is that i know this forehand so i can compensate and prepare + i have good survival skills even when my brain is basically dead from OD of king alcohol (much practice on the subject makes perfect) :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Juli 2006
Bristol, UK
I know exactly what you mean ;-)

We usually drive from the UK, so leave Bristol on Tuesday at around 12, drive to London to pick up more people, then we drive to Dover and get a 0000 ferry to Calais or Dunkerque (whichever is cheapest that year) and then drive through the night. Get to Wacken by lunchtime on Wed if all goes well.

The thing is, I can't drive yet. So it means I get to drink solidly, so by the time our tents are up and we all head down to the beer garden the blood alcohol level is well and truely set for falling into water filled ditches and loosing all sense of direction in the misty night. Bring it on! :D


23 Mai 2008
Suomi - Finland - Perkele
I know exactly what you mean ;-)

We usually drive from the UK, so leave Bristol on Tuesday at around 12, drive to London to pick up more people, then we drive to Dover and get a 0000 ferry to Calais or Dunkerque (whichever is cheapest that year) and then drive through the night. Get to Wacken by lunchtime on Wed if all goes well.

The thing is, I can't drive yet. So it means I get to drink solidly, so by the time our tents are up and we all head down to the beer garden the blood alcohol level is well and truely set for falling into water filled ditches and loosing all sense of direction in the misty night. Bring it on! :D

damn driving from UK to wacken and not having to be the driver.... that sounds like many hours of sitting in the car and drinking is a nice hobby for that! ;)

Im a bit worried since two of our "team" are coming from somewhere near Birmingham or was it leicester and knowing the guys im about 95% sure that they have not planned the drive to wacken from UK... So when we start calling them on wendsday "where are you, where are our gear (tents etc)" The answer is going to be something like "we miscalculated the travel-time and were going to be at wacken 1 day late on thursday" hah hah i can so see this happening :D

But no worries... well see... and will survive as long as the passport and VISA dont disapear (also would be nice to wake up with some cloths on in the first morning)

Solskinn Av Natten.... yep you gotta drink hard the first evening (wendsday for us) so that you body gets used to the alchol so there will be no amateur mistakes on the rest of the days, like not seeing a good band because of being too drunk :)

Solskinn Av Natten

W:O:A Metalhead
28 März 2008
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
damn driving from UK to wacken and not having to be the driver.... that sounds like many hours of sitting in the car and drinking is a nice hobby for that! ;)

Im a bit worried since two of our "team" are coming from somewhere near Birmingham or was it leicester and knowing the guys im about 95% sure that they have not planned the drive to wacken from UK... So when we start calling them on wendsday "where are you, where are our gear (tents etc)" The answer is going to be something like "we miscalculated the travel-time and were going to be at wacken 1 day late on thursday" hah hah i can so see this happening :D

But no worries... well see... and will survive as long as the passport and VISA dont disapear (also would be nice to wake up with some cloths on in the first morning)

Solskinn Av Natten.... yep you gotta drink hard the first evening (wendsday for us) so that you body gets used to the alchol so there will be no amateur mistakes on the rest of the days, like not seeing a good band because of being too drunk :)

Vonhemming, I will be there on the Wednesday too! We shall practice drinking together :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Something like that, yup. :D

Well, 30 bottles is 10 litres is 10 kilograms...and that's the beer only. I've never thought about what a bottle weighs...but I guess it might be 15 kilograms in the end. Start drinking on the way, make a lot of breaks. :D And there's sometimes some kids from the village who offer to bring your beer to the outlines of the camping area with their handcarts for a euro or two.

The bottles with returnable bottles usually weigh about the same as the beer itself, so 10 litres would be about 20 kilos, a bit less, bu taround.


10 Juli 2008
So where do you turn in these bottles for deposit? At the store you bought them at? Or on the Wacken grounds?
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