$$$ MONEY $$$ (...or lack thereof!)

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W:O:A Metalhead
28 März 2008
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Are there ways to still enjoy yourself, but save a bit of money? Don't laugh... I'm serious! How much do you think one can expect to spend at Wacken? I'm trying to budget, but of course, I have this nagging feeling that I may go a bit overboard in my spending... :p I have already reserved a Wacken tent & sleeping bag there, for a combination of 60 Euros (I couldn't find anything here that's much cheaper; & also I'd have to transport it from Canada!).

I won't be buying CDs, but I expect to buy:
at LEAST 3 t-shirts (...probably 5) :rolleyes:
a drinking horn ;)
a Thor's hammer (I need a new one, especially one from Wacken) :)
and a hoodie (hooded sweater with a print on the front). :cool:
And of course, plenty of meat, fruit, MEAD (my favourite!) and BEER :D !!

Any tips you would recommend to a new Wacken-er for getting the most metal out of every Euro spent?


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juni 2003
Mpls. MN USA

Suggesting NOT drinking, would be quite blasphemic around here! :D

My best money saving tip, is buy food & Liquor at the grocery store in town. The stands food can get expensive.
If you're drinking beer, the cold keg beers end up being twice as much as if you buy bottles at the market (though they may not be so cold).

Also, mind your "pfand", many bottles, the wacken cups, and silverware, can be returned for a deposit return.

As scary as they are, there are free porta potties in the camp area (BYOTP & light), and the flush shitters inside the concert area are free (instead of .50).

You can take a free (public) shower at the Wacken pool, or try your luck for a quick rince off in the Prince bodywash, if you want to skip a E2.50 fee to take a proper shower.

If you're getting Wacken Shirts, don't wait! The coolest ones always sell out fast....and sometimes they are replaced with OTHER cool ones the next day, so be aware of that, too.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Suggesting NOT drinking, would be quite blasphemic around here! :D

My best money saving tip, is buy food & Liquor at the grocery store in town. The stands food can get expensive.
If you're drinking beer, the cold keg beers end up being twice as much as if you buy bottles at the market (though they may not be so cold).

Also, mind your "pfand", many bottles, the wacken cups, and silverware, can be returned for a deposit return.

As scary as they are, there are free porta potties in the camp area (BYOTP & light), and the flush shitters inside the concert area are free (instead of .50).

You can take a free (public) shower at the Wacken pool, or try your luck for a quick rince off in the Prince bodywash, if you want to skip a E2.50 fee to take a proper shower.

If you're getting Wacken Shirts, don't wait! The coolest ones always sell out fast....and sometimes they are replaced with OTHER cool ones the next day, so be aware of that, too.

And not to forget, CANS are deposited as well!!! €0.25 par can. If you buy a tray of 24, you pay €6 deposit. (which is about US$10)


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Are there ways to still enjoy yourself, but save a bit of money? Don't laugh... I'm serious! How much do you think one can expect to spend at Wacken? I'm trying to budget, but of course, I have this nagging feeling that I may go a bit overboard in my spending... :p I have already reserved a Wacken tent & sleeping bag there, for a combination of 60 Euros (I couldn't find anything here that's much cheaper; & also I'd have to transport it from Canada!).

I won't be buying CDs, but I expect to buy:
at LEAST 3 t-shirts (...probably 5) :rolleyes:
a drinking horn ;)
a Thor's hammer (I need a new one, especially one from Wacken) :)
and a hoodie (hooded sweater with a print on the front). :cool:
And of course, plenty of meat, fruit, MEAD (my favourite!) and BEER :D !!

Any tips you would recommend to a new Wacken-er for getting the most metal out of every Euro spent?

I'm actually not sure if you can even buy a drinking horn there...


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Juli 2006
Bristol, UK
I think it's fairly easy not to spend much if you don't go overboard on buying merch.

The metal market has lots of tempting things... particularly the actual tent you have to pay to enter (You pay once get a wristband for unlimited entry) but often I haven't found much I've really wanted, so it was kinda a waste of 2,50. The strip show isn't amazing either... you see better tits just walking around! A lot of the merch you'll find in the metal market is bootleg/unofficial anyway, so the quality might not be great. Stick to buying shirts at the big outside stall in the arena if you want guaranteed official and generally good quality gear.

I personally don't mind queueing and paying for the good toilets, because I don't think I'm going to die from the smell of shit. Besides, all the meat generally blocks me up for a while so I shit less anyway ;-)

Which brings me onto food. Perhaps stock up on cereal breakfast bars and apples/oranges as they won't go off, and are good for breakfasts. Cheap and saves queuing! I personally fucking love eating BBQ'd meat and I hate going hungry (it really puts a dampener on things for me) so I make sure I have enough money for beer and food and I'm happy. A bit of merch, but I try and only get stuff I couldn't have easily bought at home/online.


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Aug. 2007
Stockholm, Sweden
I was thinking of bringing 400-500 € is that to much?

I can allways lock it up in the safety box, and I do think that having to much is better than having to little when it comes to that awesome t-shirt or cd in the market and all the money is long gone :p
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