Metal Band

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W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Originally posted by Eldrake
I dont remember the place that was playing...but the band Metal Works was was down in Camden, down by the Locks...

Anyhoo, what ideas do you have in mind band-wise?

I can alter my style pretty easily, but obviously neoclassical metal is my favorite :)'s a kinda 1-2 guitar, bass, keyboad, drum band. Me on vocals and whatever instrument we can't find a musician for :p

There aren't really any real metal aspects to the music.

If it works out, this would be a very professional project, so I kinda need someone who enjoys it and is very dedicated.

I have a really good drummer in Switzerland which I might be able to hoal up here. And I know a couple of bassists.

Contact me on icq or something similiar if you're still interested and I can give you more details and discuss more (I'm open to suggestions if you're interested, and I can send you some songs)
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