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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
There seems to be a lot of nice people in the german forum, but I'm afraid there's no place for us in the Forum Camp :_( . Ingo or Holger posted something in the Q&A discussion by middle may, but it's in German. As it's a quite long thread and my German is quite awful the only thing I've found out is that we should have sent I-don't-know-why to Ingo by e-mail to subscribe the forum camp. Anyway, no one has informed us in our language, and that really annoys me, so I won't join that forum camp. Let the German speak their language.

If someone from the English forum want to camp with me, he or she will be fully welcome. I count on you, Lvsitanno. Anyone else?

Anyway, thanks to xpet (fucking cutest lady in this forum, you deserve a monument!!! -> but I'm afraid the only thing we can do is inviting you to a beer, do you accept? :) ) and Fallen_Knight for asking in the off-topic forum about this topic. (But all they got is empty replies....)

But this won't end here, I'm going to post in the Q&A right now. I want to appear in every Holger nightmare.

I'm going to auto-quote me, as I'm not really sattisfied with what I wrote.

I'd like to say sorry to every German here, I'm not in a good mood today, but you're no guilty of it. Sorry.

BTW, some info will be added in the news section about this, Ingo has already replied me.


27 Apr. 2002
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Russian metalhead would like to join :)

Hi all! I have appeared here some time ago, but got out due to some circumstances :)
I'm from St-Petersburg, Russia, and I 'd like to visit this years WOA2002. Bands I like are Savatage, Evergrey, Angel Dust, Helloween, Crimson Glory, Arch Enemy, Grave Digger, Axel Rudi Pell, Queensryche, Iron Savior, Blind Guardian, Squealer, Rage etc etc metal metal rock metal metal rock :)))
Well, because I'm coming alone, I'd like to join some metalheadz who are english speaking, because I speak german too bad...zu schlecht :)
Well, hope to hear from you, and hope to spend good metal time at the fest with you!
ehhh...didn't sleep last night....I guess I gotta go to listen new Black Symphony album and go to sleep :)
I hope to hear you all soon.


27 Apr. 2002
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Originally posted by Onkel Pikk
Seems that you are a true heavy metal fan. Cool! Me too! We're most definetevely gonna meet and have some beers...:) and practise our bad german...:)

Hey OnkelPikk! you are from Tallinn! I have been there when I was like 7 or 8 years old, you live in very beautiful city! We definitely have to meet, because we are true metalheadz and we are from exUSSR country too :))

argon factor

W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Juni 2002
Website besuchen
@ SavaTageR:

A russian Metalhead? That's pretty cool! Let's see what I can say in Russian . . . :

Ochen' interesuyus' russkim heavy metal. Ty mozhesh privesti chto-nibud' s soboi? Ya slyshal tol'ko o "korrozoii metalla" i o "chui zabei" :D
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