Me and my friend are now selling our ticket for this year, we are disgusted.

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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2007
Wow. Violence. And you really think you're less stupid than BFMV fans? :rolleyes:

Just let them come, ignore them and let them go home again.
Not everybody's against them.
I wouldnt really say its violence, a bottle is hardly going to do any sustainable damage, if i threw rocks then maybe
But bottles are a fine thing to throw at such a band


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Hey man, long time no speak
Yeah im pretty good cheers, apart from the whole bfmv thing :p
I will be happy if wacken also invite some awesome band to overshadow the crappy band
You alright?

I'm good thanks, and for me so far Amon Amarth, Trystania and Nevermore, would make it worth it. I'm sure that some epic bands are still to be added.


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Nov. 2008
yep, it's easy to focus on a few negatives or bad people, but overall the people at WOA re great. Just pray for good weather. And be prepared for possible rain and mud. 2005 was a mudfest from what I have read.

Yes, I saw pictures... I usually am ready for all kind of weather (but snow I think) and yes, there are assholes everywhere, we have our share of them here as well. :D


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Nov. 2008
they are trust me ;)

i meet at wacken the most friendly people ever i was very surprised back in 07
the athmosphere is amost perfect

wacken isnt only about the bands, its the hole think, i am really addicted to it :D

so am I and I never got there... just about hearing my friends all hyped about WOA... you know the drill :D