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Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
can you explain more about VIP stuff? is it something you can buy, or do you jus t have to be someone special

VIPs can be artists or press people or photographers or crew etc. - depending on what kind of VIP you are, you get another special wristband. Press and artists for example can go backstage with this wristband...I don't exactly know about the other VIP groups.
But you can't buy this, no. People from magazines and webzines etc can ask for a press accreditation a while before the festival, band members need to be booked and confirmed (usually...) and so on.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
VIPs can be artists or press people or photographers or crew etc. - depending on what kind of VIP you are, you get another special wristband. Press and artists for example can go backstage with this wristband...I don't exactly know about the other VIP groups.
But you can't buy this, no. People from magazines and webzines etc can ask for a press accreditation a while before the festival, band members need to be booked and confirmed (usually...) and so on.

Guests can also go backstage as far as I know.

The wristband says "press / VIP / guests'.


20 Juli 2005
Tampere, Finland
Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:
And I know how to pass out in ditches :D
Memories from WOA 2006 [Finnish camp]:

Lol, you should have seen that weird, stoned monster who climbed up from the shitty ditch one morning. This stinking bastard was sure that his gear was in our car. Oh for fuck's sake! I had to shout my ass off before he even understood that no, he can't steal anything from that trunk or touch our stuff.

I hope that this was the very last time when I have to fight during woa.


4 Feb. 2006
about accreditations

Hi my friends:
Do anyone Know something about acreditations?
I will arrive one day before to Wacken and I'd like to know If I could accreditate the day before starting festival.

Many thanks


W:O:A Metalmaster
18 Juni 2007
Marburg, Hessen
Hi my friends:
Do anyone Know something about acreditations?
I will arrive one day before to Wacken and I'd like to know If I could accreditate the day before starting festival.

Many thanks

first off accreditate isn't even a word...

but i am guessing you are trying to say you want to camp in the campground before wacken, and i believe the answer is yes.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
"accredited" is. I assume morimym has some kind of backstage credentials and wonders if he's able to register with the office on the Wednesday before the festival.

I have no clue. Here are the opening hours of everything festival related, anyway:


Accreditations can be picked up on Thursday near the Jensen Spar outside the village. You can go on the campsite with your PDF-sheet you print out, but your wristband must be picked up on Thursday. And there's a big waiting line. So bring along some beers to kill time.!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


4 Feb. 2006
Accreditations can be picked up on Thursday near the Jensen Spar outside the village. You can go on the campsite with your PDF-sheet you print out, but your wristband must be picked up on Thursday. And there's a big waiting line. So bring along some beers to kill time.!

Many many thanks for your answer. I will do what you are telling me.

Some friends of mine will go on Wednesday morning but they won't stay at the campsite, they will sleep at Kremperheide town, Could they pick up the wristband on Wednesday afternoon? Have all people to pick up their wristband ONLY on Thursday?

Many thanks again for your answer and your patience too!!!!

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Many many thanks for your answer. I will do what you are telling me.

Some friends of mine will go on Wednesday morning but they won't stay at the campsite, they will sleep at Kremperheide town, Could they pick up the wristband on Wednesday afternoon? Have all people to pick up their wristband ONLY on Thursday?

Many thanks again for your answer and your patience too!!!!

If they have normal tickets they ought to be able to pick up their normal wristbands on Wednesday. :)