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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Huldran schrieb:
[devil's advocate mode ON]:
and the result will be, heaps and loads of mainstream, totally commercial wannabe-metal bands emerging ;)
[/devil's advocate mode OFF]
Probably, but it'll also mean the "exceptance" of Metal and its scene around it. And this in all areas of our population.


W:O:A Metalhead
8 Juli 2003
Alrek schrieb:
This is why fake passports are so much fun :p

actually, no
You have obviously not travelled much, so you cannot begin to understand how fucking annoying is being percived as a criminal and treated as such just because you are a metalhead. I would love for metalheads to be recognised as just as valuable members of society as anyone else, I would love to see and hear metal on TV and radio on prime time, I would love for metal to be recognised in all its beauty.


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Jan. 2006
Under the sign of the Octagon
MetalCommando schrieb:
actually, no
You have obviously not travelled much, so you cannot begin to understand how fucking annoying is being percived as a criminal and treated as such just because you are a metalhead. I would love for metalheads to be recognised as just as valuable members of society as anyone else, I would love to see and hear metal on TV and radio on prime time, I would love for metal to be recognised in all its beauty.
I do know what you mean. Didn't experience that myself tho, but a friend told me how her husband was actually "perceived as a criminal" and searched at a German airport - only because of his Slayer shirt with the eagle.

However.... admission by society and admission by mass media are slightly different things, eh? ;)

On a slightly different note - a funny quote from the BBC message boards:
Added: Saturday, 20 May, 2006, 15:16 GMT 16:16 UK

As Finland has Lordi this year, can we have Napalm Death representing us in 2007?
Damn, I am getting evil visions of Eisregen representing Germany in 2007.... :D *ROFL*


W:O:A Metalhead
MetalCommando schrieb:
actually, no
You have obviously not travelled much, so you cannot begin to understand how fucking annoying is being percived as a criminal and treated as such just because you are a metalhead. I would love for metalheads to be recognised as just as valuable members of society as anyone else, I would love to see and hear metal on TV and radio on prime time, I would love for metal to be recognised in all its beauty.

You called it. Only twice overseas so far.

As for anything further on the fake passport question: no comment.

And society has always sucked. Why did you expect them not to suck in that regard?


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Huldran schrieb:
I do know what you mean. Didn't experience that myself tho, but a friend told me how her husband was actually "perceived as a criminal" and searched at a German airport - only because of his Slayer shirt with the eagle.

However.... admission by society and admission by mass media are slightly different things, eh? ;)
There is a difference allright.

But just to be treated with normal "dignity" (or whatever) as other people do get on e.g. airports, etc. or during job interviews is the least we can expect. It needn't be total mass hysteria or something, just to be seen as a group in society which exists, and with their ideas of life, rather then forcing a lifestyle we don't want to live.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Alrek schrieb:
You called it. Only twice overseas so far.

As for anything further on the fake passport question: no comment.

And society has always sucked. Why did you expect them not to suck in that regard?
We showed what we are, and what we're like. That's a very good statement!

The fact that people look at appearences every time sucks even worse!


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Jan. 2006
Under the sign of the Octagon
Quark schrieb:
There is a difference allright.

But just to be treated with normal "dignity" (or whatever) as other people do get on e.g. airports, etc. or during job interviews is the least we can expect. It needn't be total mass hysteria or something, just to be seen as a group in society which exists, and with their ideas of life, rather then forcing a lifestyle we don't want to live.
Indeed. However, how people treat each other, should be a matter of general culture / tolerance, and not of popularity [perhaps this is sorta clumsily put... :rolleyes:]; well, in other words - I'd want to be treated "with normal dignity", regardless of whether there are metal bands appearing at commercial events, regardless of places taken in charts, etc.
Matter is, society's opinion is heavily influenced by the media. Deny the rules and you automatically become a black sheep in the flock - sad but true.