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Yeah, I've always seen people near the gates trying to sell their extra tickets.
For those still looking for a ticket, you can check out
I got mine from there, although they'll only send me the ticket 2 weeks before Wacken starts.The price is almost the same.
Anyone going to Wacken alone this year ?
I'm not sure yet, but I might be there alone,so if any of you will be there alone as well we could probably meet.Wacken by yourself is not much fun!
I went alone in 2002, and met shitloads of people, many of which I still meet now and then, either because they come to Spain, or because I travel to their countries (as of now only Germany, Switzerland and Sweden )
I went alone in 2002, and met shitloads of people, many of which I still meet now and then, either because they come to Spain, or because I travel to their countries (as of now only Germany, Switzerland and Sweden )