License to drink alcohol?

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W:O:A Metalhead
4 Dez. 2002
norden/ ostfriesland
last night two frineds of mine and me went to the police-office cuase we wanted to know how drunk we were. so we asked the policemen if we may blow in this machine. you know this machine you must blow in and then it says how much you have drunken. when i blew in this machine it told that i was having 2,34 per thousand. and i was able to walk a line...

i think i can say that i´ve got the license to drink alcohol...
but don´t try this @home. hehe. the policemen could even arrest you...
and tonight i´m gonna drink again.


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Originally posted by gnoff
Maybe I should move to the UK and get some rain??

Cheeky bastard! ;) :D :)

Well my story for today happened last night. I was at this classic metal night and the atmosphere was great and total cool tunes and everyone having a good time. I was just drinking and drinking. My mates girlfriend and me was havin a laugh and she said can i go on your shoulders so i this will be easy but it wasnt eventually got back up off the floor and all was cool but when i wanted to put her back down again i slipped on the floor and was in a heap luckily she wasnt hurt :) but i was and now my right leg is in agony. I can just about walk :p

Dear oh dear...:rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by Carpathian_Wolf
Cheeky bastard! ;) :D :)

Well my story for today happened last night. I was at this classic metal night and the atmosphere was great and total cool tunes and everyone having a good time. I was just drinking and drinking. My mates girlfriend and me was havin a laugh and she said can i go on your shoulders so i this will be easy but it wasnt eventually got back up off the floor and all was cool but when i wanted to put her back down again i slipped on the floor and was in a heap luckily she wasnt hurt :) but i was and now my right leg is in agony. I can just about walk :p

Dear oh dear...:rolleyes:

Great work!!


I almost got beat up by this huge german guy last night when I was saying my german words and also said

