miydai schrieb:YES YES YES . . .Dir en grey and MUCC. . hmm. . and DespairsRay,too!!!!
iDanny schrieb:I don't think it's possible. Too unkown at all, they're more insider-scene
and still contain too less english lyrics...that was the reason to not
get an american tour. + they just wanna play in big places like tokyo dome
or something, however they're in a different land and nearly "unknown".
i know they aren't, but there's a universe between the popularity they have
at home and somewhere else.
so they can't get the same fee for a gig like they get home.
Quorthon schrieb:Are you talking about D'espairsRay or all of the bands we mentioned?
Anyway I think Wacken organization doesn't really cares about the language of the lyrics (see Mucc last year) and it's not true that they want play only in big places.
iDanny schrieb:I meant Dir en grey. I don't think bands like mentioned here aren't
famous enough to get enough fans (you know there would be enough, and
i know that too) but i think wacken organization would say that. AND
they must have released albums in germany and if they are sold very very
well, then maybe...
Vorschlager schrieb:Miyavi would be a great idea, too..
Quorthon schrieb:Well I wrote to wacken organization some weeks ago telling me they're negotiating with Dir en grey for their presence at the festival, so I think the amount of album sold or the fans isn't really important, Wacken is good for this.
Promonex schrieb:Well, he (Holger) did say "maybe" to Dir en Grey and Mucc again, so we might have a chance
royal_impaler schrieb:Well...plz i don't want to seem intollerant but PLEASE no J-Rock, Visual Kein Stuff...and can't stand it^^