Is metal dying???

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Metal Pede

W:O:A Metalhead
29 Nov. 2001
Originally posted by Kroppus
Metal Pede : There's actually other music than metal...

...????....there is ????? No just kidding<img src="" border="0" alt=""> Actually I'm a VERY big fan of ABBA, BLONDIE and MARILLION...


Metal Pede

W:O:A Metalhead
29 Nov. 2001

How do you guys post 'smilies' INSIDE the actually text ???

Standard HTML dosen't seem to work...........


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Nov. 2001
Umm, just take a : and a ) and you´ll get a :)!
You can find the other smilies right under the "Submit Reply" "Preview Reply" buttons (when writing a reply) - there´s a "smilies" link that will open a new window.
Btw, I had no clue either at first :D

Metal Pede

W:O:A Metalhead
29 Nov. 2001
@Wackianne :)

Thank you Wackianne :rolleyes: !!! No, I ;) agree that it was :cool: NOT obvious :eek: where to find those damn smilies at first... :confused:...but :p now I think I get :D !!!

Thank :o you very much:) !!!


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Mai 2002
Originally posted by Metal Pede

But then again; I don't have a girlfriend or a family to "steal" all my precious time from my one and only thing...M E T A L !!!

Thats always what I say to my friends: "Its ok if you get married, though things will get totally fucked up, specially moneywise and timewise, if you have a kid, which is almost guaranteed in case you get married. Just look at our parents..."

krappus: Im just wondering if you ever met Per Yngve Ohlin "Dead", and if the answer is yes, was he at least half as wicked as Euronymous always claimed him to be?


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2002
Fucking Belgium
Originally posted by Kroppus
BTW, the only one in Metallica that's straight is the one that looks like he's gay. GO KIRK, GO!! :)

Obvious if you consider he ever played for fucking EXODUS !!! go Kirk go

Originally posted by Kroppus
Anathema i think have been the worst in that case. From the wonderful doomy metal they made in the beginning on Crestfallen and Serenades to the garbage stuff that's on A Fine Day To Exit. *sighs and shakes his head*

Just thought of another band that could be equally as bad as anathema... (there is??? yes there is!)

ever heard of a thing named Tiamat?

QUOTE]Originally posted by Kroppus
The worst one claimed that Metallica never existed in 84 and that they never made Master of Puppets. The newbies will always start with the newest stuff and might go back in time to the beginning. But most of them, sadly enough don't care much for the old stuff. [/QUOTE]

Know that for sure, same here in belgium. Went in a bar where they played load stuff from metallica and all the youngster go banging. About a half an hour later they played Ride the lightening and the actually screamed to put that "damn black metal" out! I just laughed at the guy and told him that was metallica. He looked at me and said that is was just not possible 'cause he had all their albums. Load, reload and the black album. I just cranked up even harder!

QUOTE]Originally posted by Kroppus

"It's not that i'm so god-damned perfect, it's just that i sometimes forget to make those errors so that no one will notice it."

And I thought I was the only one...


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
the nu-metal kids of today could be the metalheads of tomorrow..... I started listening to Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and so on when I was 13, and metalheads used to criticize those bands. And now, although I listen to some nu-metal bands, metal is my only fucking drug!!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
How very true Anathema, Tiamat, Paradise Lost, Sepultura, Atrocity are very few good examples how "shitty" bands can become...

Also had that Experience with Metallica..very very sad...


W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
Evenfiel : nope i've never met him so i can't say anything to that comment at all. but as far as i know. What's plasure for one person is pain for another. It's all about your point of wiev. To me the most evil man that's ever walked this earth is that bastard son of the carpenter in Nazareth. Jesus Christus. At the same time i have to wonder how damned stupid Josef was that believed Mary when she told about the "Holy Ghost" or angel or whatever it was. Why didn't she just admit that it was the mailman or the milkman?
And as for what you say about marriage? The only reason that we have parents is so that we shall learn from them and DON'T do the same mistakes as they've done. I've had my share of GF's and i've also been married. And none of them have ever had any influence on my lifestyle or taste in music. Well apart from my daughter. *smiles* But going to classes in the morning, working as a soundengineer at the local theater in the evening and then travelling with some obscure bands in the weekends as their soundengineer ment that i didn't see her apart from on sundays. So for me that was a simple choise. And i was olso getting tiered of travelling around from place to place, listening to shitty music that wouldn't even have made it to the Eropean Song Contest..

holocaust : I've never been that much into Tiamat at all. I never thought about it as metal. But then the first (and only) song i've heard with them is Cold Seed. well at least as i know i've heard. :)
*LMAO* wow, i've never even thought about Ride The Lightning as Black-Metal. *sighs* Have i really managed to miss that? Then again even people that lives for music somtimes misses totally. a guy i know had worked in a recordshop for 10 years and he still was dead sure that Black Sabbath was a black metal band and that Grateful Dead it was Death-Metal band. Well it's obvious if you just look at their names. *smiles* The only good thing about it was that he ended up in some X-stian cult thing and i got all his Metal-LP's :)

Wow.. So it's actually two of us? That deserves a beer.

Sodomy&Lust : Nirvana? Perl Jam ain't that bad.. Soundgarden??
Hehehehe *admits that he has no clue about that music at all*
Then again no one in my family dears to ask me to put on any music "for the occasion" anymore. Specially not after i was asked to put on some nice and slow music during the dinner on my dad's 60 yers day.. How could i know that My Dying Bride - The Angel and the Dark river wasn't what they had in mind? :)

"It's better to be quiet and let everyone wonder if you're an idiot, than to open your moth and remove any doubt there is."
Haavamaal (freely translated from norwegian)


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Mai 2002
Originally posted by Kroppus
Evenfiel : nope i've never met him so i can't say anything to that comment at all.

I didnt really comment anything about him, I just wanted to see if your opinion would match Eurnoymous's...

And as for what you say about marriage? The only reason that we have parents is so that we shall learn from them and DON'T do the same mistakes as they've done. I've had my share of GF's and i've also been married. And none of them have ever had any influence on my lifestyle or taste in music. Well apart from my daughter. *smiles* But going to classes in the morning, working as a soundengineer at the local theater in the evening and then travelling with some obscure bands in the weekends as their soundengineer ment that i didn't see her apart from on sundays. So for me that was a simple choise. And i was olso getting tiered of travelling around from place to place, listening to shitty music that wouldn't even have made it to the Eropean Song Contest..

As you might know, its very difficult to not do the mistakes that other generations did. Humanity is fucking up everything since the crack of the dawn, but things dont ever seem to get better. Im also not the type of guy who says that girlfriends and wifes arent something true, bla bla bla, its just that if you have a wife, its very likely that you'll sooner or later will have a kid, and then its even more likely that you'll need to change a lot of your lifestyle if you want to be a good dad/mum. Sure, there are always some people who can cope with that without much problem, but most of them are just like Metal Pede said. I dunno if their are happier that way, but I'd rather not have my own seems you're dealing with it without a problem, well...good for you! :) :D
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W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
Evenfiel : The COMMENT was towards Euronymus and what you quoted from him. Anyway i usually don't coment on others comments. :) Ok i try not to.. *another well made and thought out error*
Well.. Maybe the reason that i'm not doing(did) the same mistakes as my parents was that they wasn't good parents at all. If you ever get the chance to see a UK tv-series called "Making aperances" or something like that. Well Mss Bucket is a copy of my mum. :)
Just ask my ex-wife. It was she that saw it.
I think the biggest problem is that you have this idea what the rest of the world is expecting from you when you get married, becomes a dad, lives to be 30 and so on. The choice is or at least should be simple. Who knows what you like? It's only you and a few others and you can't let some idiots you haven't even met stear your life.
And one thing i know from my own experience. Doing everything together with your partner, is a sure way to kill that relationship. People needs time apart from eachother too.

As for Metal Pede's Don't find the time... *LMAO* If there's something you want to do you can always find the time for it. Iæve met people in Norway that's closer to the 50's that sits and smiles while their wives play bad country and tophits. For then to go to their own room and play Deep Purple, led Zeppelin and the Who so the speakers are shaking. The true meaning behind "I don't have the time for it" is I don't dare\want to do that.
I doubt very much that norwegians are so special that we're the only ones that knows what we want and does that 'cause we want it. :) Then again, this could be one of my carefully planned mistakes. :)
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W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2002
Fucking Belgium

I missed all the black sabbath period (the black period) and have never even heard the Grateful Dead (so I don't know if he's right or not, héhé). But when you work in a record shop, you should be able to know what the band's about I guess.

When I bought the "alive in athens" trilogy by Iced Earth the lady asked me (okay, she was blond) what kind of music Iced Earth was all about because she sold it a lot of times. I just replied her to listen for herself. She put the record on for about... 20 seconds! Haha


W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
*laughs* Well Grateful Dead started in San Fransisco in 65. Well that was at least their first gig. I don't really know what happened after Jerry Garcia died in 95 i think. *got a bad memory for the dead ones* The music is hard to describe, but it's mostly blues-rock with some country and acid-hippie music. So far i think they're the only band that's had two drummers, playing at the same time. :)
And YES i'm sort of a deadhead.
I agree completely. if you're supposed to work in a recordshop you have to know what you're selling. And no matter what a sexy body and pretty face the seller have. No knowledge about music? No fucking job.. I prefer to shop where people have some knowledge about what they are selling. :)
Probably why i've always had to build my own pc's. :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Evenfiel
Thats always what I say to my friends: "Its ok if you get married, though things will get totally fucked up, specially moneywise and timewise, if you have a kid, which is almost guaranteed in case you get married. Just look at our parents..."

krappus: Im just wondering if you ever met Per Yngve Ohlin "Dead", and if the answer is yes, was he at least half as wicked as Euronymous always claimed him to be?

Children are pretty shit,you must raise them and learn them every little idiotic things that's common for you.

And I think that get married is stupid too,cause that's like you are proprety of each other.It is not a freedom at all,when I don't count that it seems to me like christian habbit (eghrrr shit).I think that's the only one reason why does it exist is that when people start to destroy nervous system of each other,it is only thing that holds them cause get divorced is quite expensive.I think that it makes the relationship just worse.