Evenfiel : nope i've never met him so i can't say anything to that comment at all. but as far as i know. What's plasure for one person is pain for another. It's all about your point of wiev. To me the most evil man that's ever walked this earth is that bastard son of the carpenter in Nazareth. Jesus Christus. At the same time i have to wonder how damned stupid Josef was that believed Mary when she told about the "Holy Ghost" or angel or whatever it was. Why didn't she just admit that it was the mailman or the milkman?
And as for what you say about marriage? The only reason that we have parents is so that we shall learn from them and DON'T do the same mistakes as they've done. I've had my share of GF's and i've also been married. And none of them have ever had any influence on my lifestyle or taste in music. Well apart from my daughter. *smiles* But going to classes in the morning, working as a soundengineer at the local theater in the evening and then travelling with some obscure bands in the weekends as their soundengineer ment that i didn't see her apart from on sundays. So for me that was a simple choise. And i was olso getting tiered of travelling around from place to place, listening to shitty music that wouldn't even have made it to the Eropean Song Contest..
holocaust : I've never been that much into Tiamat at all. I never thought about it as metal. But then the first (and only) song i've heard with them is Cold Seed. well at least as i know i've heard.

*LMAO* wow, i've never even thought about Ride The Lightning as Black-Metal. *sighs* Have i really managed to miss that? Then again even people that lives for music somtimes misses totally. a guy i know had worked in a recordshop for 10 years and he still was dead sure that Black Sabbath was a black metal band and that Grateful Dead it was Death-Metal band. Well it's obvious if you just look at their names. *smiles* The only good thing about it was that he ended up in some X-stian cult thing and i got all his Metal-LP's
Wow.. So it's actually two of us? That deserves a beer.
Sodomy&Lust : Nirvana? Perl Jam ain't that bad.. Soundgarden??
Hehehehe *admits that he has no clue about that music at all*
Then again no one in my family dears to ask me to put on any music "for the occasion" anymore. Specially not after i was asked to put on some nice and slow music during the dinner on my dad's 60 yers day.. How could i know that My Dying Bride - The Angel and the Dark river wasn't what they had in mind?
"It's better to be quiet and let everyone wonder if you're an idiot, than to open your moth and remove any doubt there is."
Haavamaal (freely translated from norwegian)