Is metal dying???

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W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
Metal-Pede :
if you're getting to old, then what the hell shall i say? I'm far to close to 36 as it is. And i still wear my metalsweaters, the west with the norwegian falg upside down with an inverted cross picked up in spikes on the back, my good old army boots and the rest. :)
And i also wear my skiked armbands a lot. I've been dressed like this since a) punk died out in my hometown and b) i became a dad.
And YES *sighs* my mum's always complaining about when am i going to row up and behave. ???? Me?
In the words of Jello Biafra. "I'd rather stay a child and keep my selfrespect, than being an adloult if that means being like you."

i agree with you totally about the metalscene in DK. Specially since i came all the way from Trondheim, Norway where the metalscene have gone the other way. With more bands playing now than there probably was in the mid 80's when everyone played in at least 2 different punk-bands. *smiles* Well at least better bands now than then.

I don't think metal will or can die. There will always be someone that loves it and lstens to it. My goal in life is to e thrown out from the home for old people 'cause i'm playing that metal music to loud for the rest. :)

If the kids don't want to listen to good honest music. Then the only thing we can do is force them to listen to it,,,,,,,, or beat the shit out of them. :)

Metal Pede

W:O:A Metalhead
29 Nov. 2001
Kroppus wrote:

>if you're getting to old, then what the hell shall i say?"

No, I'm not complaining about my 33 years in life, only that I complain too much.....ehhhh.....

Kroppus also wrote:

>I agree with you totally about the metalscene in DK. Specially >since i came all the way from Trondheim, Norway where the >metalscene have gone the other way. With more bands playing >now than there probably was in the mid 80's when everyone >played in at least 2 different punk-bands. *smiles* Well at least >better bands now than then."

Why the hell did you left Black-Metal-Norway and move to Denmark for ?????????
I surely hope it wasn't your own decision :)


>I don't think metal will or can die. There will always be someone >that loves it and lstens to it. My goal in life is to e thrown out >from the home for old people 'cause i'm playing that metal music >to loud for the rest."

Yeah, I believe I will be unpopular too when I get grumpy, sitting in my wheelchair headbanging to some old Pestilence records :)
But you gotta go loud'n'proud right!


>If the kids don't want to listen to good honest music. Then the >only thing we can do is force them to listen to it,,,,,,,, or beat the >shit out of them. "

Let's kick some pop-scums ass !!!!

P.S. Do yourself a favour and move back to mighty Norway before it's too late my friend :) !!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
true heavy metal will never die..we were born metal for the glory of metal we will fight on!

then again too many people in england listen to that nu metal shit! i feel like an outsider when i wear my power metal tops and stuff but im not bothered ! i will wear them with pride!


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
I don't like Nu-metal at all. But at least some part of the kids are attracted to some kind of "harder" pop stuff. It's just a matter of education, as Warthog said, and maybe some of those kids would be attracted to metal. I started to listen to glam/hair metal when I was about 9-10 years old. Then I discovered other metal stuff like thrash and I was astounded, then came grind/death/black/gore/doom/progressive/avant-garde... you know every kind of metal. Once you're on the underground it just grabs you by the balls and won't let you go. The need to go deeper and deeper will grow everyday.

One thing that's awesome about metal is that a very high percentage of the people that listens to it becomes a musician. There’s a lot of bands out there playing metal all around the globe. Just take a look at countries like Finland, Sweden and Norway that have lots of talented bands coming out every day. I talk about this countries because the number of bands coming from there is astounding compared to their population. And then take a look at countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Australia, etc., where the metal scene is on the underground but growing little by little.
Maybe the main problem of metal is it’s underground nature, that’s why there’s a lack of support from record companies and that results in lack of publicity and general ignorance of the genre by the mainstream.


W:O:A Metalhead

saying that i see fewer people who l"ook" like they are into metal here in the U.K .........but that is prob. unfair becouse 60% of the time i dont "look" like i am into metal either LOL
cant wear black all the time ...sometimes have to wear grey maybe haha

dont get me wrong i dont judge people by how they look and it does not matter if you look "metal" or not ..if you like any form of metal that is cool with me (exception nu metal ...but this stuff is ok for the kids) ... but i know a few people in the metal scene who do or should i say used to think like that
METAL RULES! it will never die

@kroppus thats f**king cool that you still wear what you like to wear ...i am 30 and i am still wearing band logo shirts n stuff ...maybe not spikes n studs anymore (except at Wacken)
who cares what anyone thinks ....i used to think that maybe i am too old for this metal band t shirts n stuff ....but f**k that sh*t i wear what i like and what i feel comfortable in .....and i have to say i have never felt more comfortable anywhere than when i am at Wacken


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
People that likes bands like Porn and Limp Bigshit usually listen to the rock music,not metal,but they think it is metal because somebody told them so.The problem is,that there is not freedom of speech at all,cause we can't see on MTV(fuck MTV) any quite brutal video_Ordinary people thinks that metalheads are something like sect group that wants make world bad,violent and so on.People knows shit about what metal really is and when somebody knows shit about something,then his arguments against are pointles.
And about that MTV...some people (especially christians) can't even hear brutal word,so they can play on TV so they can play on TV just "purer" from like hardcore and new rock,but still censored.That's MTV about,and that's why nugroups are so popular.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Supercharger:Otherwise they are hypocritic cause there was a movie,in the morning about the black people(some gangs or what) and they were speaking as their mouths grew,and there was also violence,and you will choose another channel and they censored the same things.Very stupid.


W:O:A Metalhead
2 März 2002
Oslo / NOrWAY
True metal is just as hard to lill off for the mainstream-press as the good old punkrock. I'm either usually not the one to laugh or make fun of how other dress. The worst i do is feel sorry for them and tries not to show that i think they're idiots.
In my teens there was punkrock and i ran around with different colored mohawks for almost 4 years. -:))
And when kids in my town started wearing them again in 2000 i had to hide my laughter. I still find it hard not to smile when i meet people that dresses as we did in 84. Is it any wonder that i don't look in mirriors? :)

It's partly the media that's to blame for keeping metal an underground thing. Still i'm not so sure if that's so bad. If metal was played on the top 40 list and so on. Wouldn't we then end up with a lot of Backfucked "metal" Boys bands? If metal was something you could earn big money on, then there would be plenty of idiots that wanted to play that music just for the money.
To me it's better that the music is real and made\played by someone that loves what they're doing.

The reason christians are so faen's i hælbvete scared of metal is that they're afraid that the childrens might stop and ask some nasty questions back at them. And even worse, they might even start to use their braincell(s) too..

anyway i'm going to go dressed as i want until the day i die. Not even a damned wellpaid job can get me to switch to suit and shirt and tie. *smiles* Anyone that knows me knows that i'd rather hang myself than wear a tie. *thinks* And if that don't work i can maybe use the noose as a tie... :)
Still the way i dress have nothing to do with being metal or not. I wear the clothes that i like and feel comfy in.

Hehehehehehehe i didn't realise that i was such a role-model for others until i was at WOA for the firt time :))

And now i'm off to see Satyricon in Copenhagen..

The first good thing that's happening here that i know about since i moved here for 5 months ago.. *is a bit sad for leaving the metal-scene in Trondheim, Norway*

Party on..


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2002
Fucking Belgium
Here in Belgium, metal is into a "revival" at the moment. I see youngsters about 16-17 years old running around in kreator, slayer,... shirts. A good thing, really, coz around here, everyone takes care of himself. There's no recruting done here. So metal does come through. We have "graspop metal fest" every year and it lures away 20.000 people every year!

About the disappearing of metal; it's a given fact, I agree. The bands are getting old and new bands (that are worth listening to) are rare. Bands like Manowar, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest are slowing down because of their age. Where the fuck are the new bands who take over the torch? Hammerfall tried, didn't fail, but didn't succeed. I think we should all take up our guitars and start making some bands! :)

I for one am still listenign to metal, although I must confess I'm not wearing the t-shirts daily anymore. Work prohibits that. When you're an accountant and have to meet clients, you think about appearance. But the metal heart still burns!

Looking at my pic, you can think I'm a poser, but no, I was listeing to rammstein before they ever grew popular. I dig industrial.

Let's just cheer up and think about a single sentence, said alot in other meanings;

what comes down, goes back up (or is it said in reverse?)

Metal will never die, that's for sure