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Thordis V.

W:O:A Metalgod
25 Nov. 2001
Linz und Bern
since when is this station closed on Sundays??? When I go by train, we usually go back on Sunday after Wacken... in 2002, it wasn't closed and I can't imagine closed station on Sundays, in Austria also the train stations in samll villages don't close down... maybe the counters, but there are still vending machines if you don't buy a two-way ticket in adavance, but the whole station? :confused:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
blackwintermetal schrieb:

long story short, can we arrive in hamburg from our flight, and go up to the station and buy a ticket to Itzehoe?

and you said the station in Itzehoe is closed on sundays? if we wanted to catch a flight home sunday, what would you suggest doing, as far as getting back to hamburg goes?

Station is closed, but the trains stop at Itzehoe. The only thing you can't buy is your ticket at the counter. There is a ticket machine.


W:O:A Metalmaster
I wouldnt recommend getting a car anyway... the chance that somebody scratches it or dents it when stumbling to his tent after a few beers is given, though nobody will do that on purpose...

i also recommend the kebab stall just outside the local supermarket... the owner plays metal all day, and his kebabs are the best in germany


W:O:A Metalhead
1 März 2004
Holon, Israel
Website besuchen
the food on the camp site ranges in prices from 2 euro to 4.5 euro, as much as I remember... and it fills you up pretty good. tho' lazy people would make their own BBQ, as it is a long way from your tent to the nearest food-selling place. well not that far, but when you had a couple of beers, you don't really want to go anywhere too far from your tent. (or is it just me?)

anyways, the camping is really the best thing in wacken. in the last 2 years that i've been to wacken I've always left all my stuff in my tent (I was lazy and drunk to care), and nobody ever touched any of my things, and really, I never heard about theft in there. anyways, there will always be people near your tent, those may be your friends who came with you, and those can be your friends whom you met there, so nobody would have the balls to get into your tent in "hostile" intentions.

so anyways, come and enjoy wacken :D
30 März 2005
awesome, keep all the info coming guys, haha.

are there alot of people from america that come over to this? or is it mostly from over that side of the ocean?


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
blackwintermetal schrieb:
awesome, keep all the info coming guys, haha.

are there alot of people from america that come over to this? or is it mostly from over that side of the ocean?

You get a fair few americans there like Warthog, Loose Cannon and LXE who all post on here. Theres a couple of guys from CA who im friends with. I think they will be there this year. Im sure there is many more as well
30 März 2005
i was just thinking, i have no idea what the weather's like over there during this.

fromt he pictures on the site it looks fairly warm.

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
blackwintermetal schrieb:
i was just thinking, i have no idea what the weather's like over there during this.

fromt he pictures on the site it looks fairly warm.
usually it is, yup. And usually it's extremely sunny that the heat inside your tent wakes you up at 9 a.m. although it's still quite cool outside.

In 2002 there was rain for about 12 hours...the mud was fantastic :D

But sometimes rain isn't even that bad...the Wacken dust tends to get a bit annoying as well when it's very dry. But, you know, that is what Wacken is like. I would miss something if it was different.


W:O:A Metalmaster
blackwintermetal schrieb:
awesome, keep all the info coming guys, haha.

are there alot of people from america that come over to this? or is it mostly from over that side of the ocean?

whaddaya mean... "that" side of the ocean... it's this side allright :)

well maybee some security precautions .... We make beer wich actually has some alkohol in it, so vbreware... so much actually that right now i find it somewhat difficutlt to write on the boards here :))


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
some words of warning:

1. the password to the wacken sexy party is "ballerina"

2. you WILL be banished from the camping area if you do not swear alliegance to the TV series "Alf"

3.Bob Saget is the god of wacken, Patrick Duffy the demigod, Mark Stamos the messiah.

4. in germany, some people eat other people's penises (literally)