Der Beste
Yeah, but it's also 5x expensive... at least, in Spain
That's illegal!
You shouldn't be charged more than a normal 'domestic' bank transfer for payments within the SEPA countries!
Yeah, but it's also 5x expensive... at least, in Spain
I checked & my account is safe for now.The thing is that I can't get to my bank till Wed.(got shit to do tomorrow) & this is gonna eat at me till I can find out if my account is safe.
if I find out if this asshole is on the east coast of the US,he will not be on this side of the earth for long.YOU DON'T FUCK WITH MY FRIENDS OR MY MONEY!
hes probably from Romania or Nigeria.
oha - hat ja lange gedauert, bis sich da mal was tut - aber ich lag dann doch richtig -
Zitat Metaltix:Code:Lieber Kunde, mit diesem Schreiben möchten wir Sie auf einen ebenso bedauerlichen wie wichtigen Vorfall aufmerksam machen. Wir haben feststellen müssen, dass ein von uns genutzter Server Gegenstand eines offenbar gezielten und inzwischen abgestellten Angriffs zur Ausspähung von Daten geworden ist. Wir können nicht ausschließen, dass Sie zu einer begrenzten Anzahl unserer Kunden gehören, deren für die Zahlungsabwicklung übermittelten Kreditkartendaten gestohlen worden sind, und dass diese Daten missbräuchlich verwendet worden sind bzw. verwendet werden sollen. Bitten setzen Sie sich in Ihrem Interesse unverzüglich mit Ihrer ausgebenden Kreditkartenstelle (Bank / Kreditkartenanbieter) in Verbindung. Prüfen Sie auch Ihre Zahlungsverkehrsbelege (Kreditkartenabrechnung, Kontoauszüge) besonders sorgfältig. Wir haben in diesem Fall Strafanzeige erstattet. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ihr Metaltix-Team
i regret saying this but i guess im glad i didnt get to buy a ticket for this year however i have bought my 2009 ticket through metaltix. did everyone get hacked or just some people? im confused.
someone inside has to be selling info (cc numbers) for this to happen i think.
Today my credit card was attempted to be charged wit 698€ to buy airplane tickets at travelocity.com
I have a special credit card for online shopping and the only thing I bought in the last 6 months was: My wacken tickets at Metaltix
My money hasn't been stolen because I have a double security pin via mobile SMS. But the attempt was made.
My best friend had less luck. He also bought 2 tickets for wacken at Metalix and more than 500€ have been withdrawn from he's bank account last weekend to buy airplane tickets at ryanair.com
Either Metalitix is victim of credit card hackers and their website is insecure, or they have a internal employee selling client card numbers.
I have contacted Metaltix this afternoon to explain what has happend to my friend and myself and this time I'm still waiting for a reply from thim (will followup as soon as I can).
I checked & my account is safe for now.The thing is that I can't get to my bank till Wed.(got shit to do tomorrow) & this is gonna eat at me till I can find out if my account is safe.
if I find out if this asshole is on the east coast of the US,he will not be on this side of the earth for long.YOU DON'T FUCK WITH MY FRIENDS OR MY MONEY!