I have alittle question

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W:O:A Metalhead
Re: Re: I have alittle question

A american flag or a israel flag : it's the same fucking thing... Without the U.S. Israel I'll not exist... But everybody have the right to live, to thinkwhat he want and be proud of where they are living - but not to kill people without reason...

@Zombi : A Québec flag it's ok for you ? I hate french too, they have a big mouth and they think they're the best...
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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by klistnos
ok then I think I'll bring it heheh.e
we just had a debate on that in israeliforum for people who come to wacken.
and few of us want to bring flags and some of the people said it might drew some unwelcomed attention.
oh well lets hope it won't:)

which people and from which countries are going to bring flags with them?

We are coming to Wacken for METAL not politics.

We can never really understand what is happening unless we live there - which most of us don't - so, in all fairness we should keep our noses out of your politics.

So bring your flag if you are showing your nationality, but not if you're preaching your politics :)


29 Juni 2003
Website besuchen
Zarborg as
Brat said you don't live here and you can't judge I agree to explain you how things are in israel from my point of view.
but I also agree that wacken is not for politics so if you would like to talk about israeli politics you are welcome to add me to your icq
38727080, just don't start a debate about it here:).

and brat there are few reasons for me to bring a flag first of all I'm proud with my nationality and I love this land and this flag follow me in my heart to everywhere I go, so why only in my heart when I can bring it physicaly:D
second reason is for people to see there is also an israeli metal scene and that we as well come to places like wacken, and who knows maybe it will convince bands to come to israel(though vader been here not long ago, and I missed that:( )

third thing it will help other israelis to recognize eachother.
and thats about it:)
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W:O:A Metalhead
I'm really sorry if my comment was misunderstood; I have nothing against Israelian and nothing against Palestian -I just have a little something against the Likoud and Arafat ;). I'm really happy that some serious peace negociation is in progress. It's really sad when people die... If you want me to clarify more my ''point de vue'' -I know that it's maybe needed-, my ICQ is : 40700353. I always enjoy a good discussion

So, It's sure that Wacken is not the place for politics; it's a place for celebrate your love of metal, whatever your nationality, difference... (I really love the idea that a little village of 20, 000 folks will be create for the love of metal)

Personnally, I'll bring myself a Québec flag and it's not for the separation of Québec, it's just -like you, I think- for Québec people cant see that one of their compatriote is there ready for partying :D:D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Originally posted by monochrom
Yes - I think we'll have an international booze exchange party this year again. From what I heard of year the Mezcal apparently killed everyone. :D

Mezcal + some-crazy-german-forumlers-inviting-to-beer really killed me last year! :)